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What is SAM registration, and why do I need to renew it?

What is a SAM Registration?

The SAM Registration is necessary for any business looking to bid on federal contracts or receive federal grants. Any money that is being sent to a business by the federal government MUST be registered in SAM. As the money tracking database, SAM ensures your business is able to receive funds and bid on federal proposals.

Why Do I Need To Renew?

To maintain any current contracting work with the government, you must renew the registration annually. If you are unsure of your SAM Registration status, use the  SAM Status Lookup Tool.

Where Do I Go From Here?

If your registration is set to expire within the next 60 days (or you do not have one), begin the renewal process NOW. Processing Times are taking longer due to new procedures with SAM and CAGE. Get in touch with a CRS today by calling 1-888-646-9998 and someone will be ready to assist you with any general questions you have.

USBRI has been offering filing assistance for over 12 years, ensuring businesses are compliant and registered in SAM and ready to reap the benefits of federal contracting.


Begin the Renewal Process TODAY

Call the USBRI Help Desk to get in touch with a CRS and renew or register in SAM. You can also get started today by clicking the button below. Once payment is received, you will be assigned directly to a CRS who will then facilitate the process for you.

How To Qualify For A VOSB Certification?

How To Qualify For A VOSB Certification

To qualify for a VOSB Certification, you must meet the requirements set forth by both SBA and the VA. Those requirements include:

    • Meet SBA Small Business Size Standards
    • Active and Compliant SAM Registration (check the status here)
    • 51% or greater owned and controlled by a US Veteran
    • US Veteran must oversee the day-to-day operations

Visit the VOSB page and take the questionnaire to determine your eligibility


Need to Register or Renew?

If you need to renew or register a SAM, get started TODAY with a CRS (Certified Registration Specialist). Contact the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 with any questions you may have. Get started today with a specialist by clicking the button below.

How do I check an address in the HUBZone Map?

How To Check HUBZone Map

To check to see if an address is within a HUBZone, use the HUBZone Map on SBA. If your address is located within a HUBZone, you may be qualified for a HUBZone Certification. Check your eligibility by using the Small Business Calculator Tool and browse the HUBZone Certification & Eligibility page by clicking the button below

Need a SAM Registration?

In order to qualify for any Small Business Certification or Set-Aside, you must have an active SAM Registration. If you need to register and need assistance, do not hesitate to call our help desk or browse our services page by clicking the button below

What happens if I submit my application for HUBZone before a map update?

Submit HUBZone before Update?

In order to be certified into the program, the applicant must be eligible as of the date it was submitted for review and the HUBZone director issues a decision. If you submit before a map update, as long as you meet the qualifications (i.e. map location), you should not have any issue with getting HUBZone Certified.

To know if your location is in a HUBZone, use the map lookup tool by clicking the button below


Need to Register or Renew in SAM?

An additional requirement to be HUBZone Certified is to have an active and compliant SAM Registration. Use the SAM Expiration Lookup Tool to see if you need to renew. If you do, contact the USBRI Help Desk (1-888-646-9998) and talk to a CRS about your options. You can get started with a specialist today by clicking the button below.

What are the initial steps I need to take to become eligible for federal grants and contracts?

How to Become Eligible for Federal Grants and Contracts?

The initial steps needed to take to become eligible for any federal contracts or grants is having an active and compliant SAM Registration. For you to receive any payment from the federal government (via contract or grant), you must have that SAM Registration set up.

USBRI has been offering filing assistance for over 12 years. A CRS will handle the process for you, making federal contracting registration easier for you. Reach out to the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 for any questions.

If you are unsure if you have a SAM Registration, use the Lookup Tool by clicking the button below

Need to Register or Renew in SAM?

If your SAM Registration expires soon or you do not have one, begin the registration/renewal process NOW. Processing times are taking longer due to new procedures, so you do not want to miss out on any federal contracting opportunites due to the missing or lapsed regsitration. Begin today with a CRS to ease the headache and have a specialist take care of it for you by clicking below.

How do I determine if my project or organization qualifies for a specific federal grant?

The main and most important requirement to qualify for ANY federal grant is having an active and compliant SAM registration.

USBRI has been offering filing assistance for over 12 years. A CRS will handle the process for you, making federal contracting registration easier for you. Reach out to the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 for any questions.

If you are unsure if you have a SAM Registration, use the Lookup Tool by clicking the button below

Need to Register or Renew in SAM?

If your SAM Registration expires soon or you do not have one, begin the registration/renewal process NOW. Processing times are taking longer due to new procedures, so you do not want to miss out on any federal contracting opportunites due to the missing or lapsed regsitration. Begin today with a CRS to ease the headache and have a specialist take care of it for you by clicking below.

How do I register my organization with the System for Award Management (SAM)?

To register an organization with SAM, you have two primary options:

    1. Using online resources, complete the registration process on your own (burden of time; 2-4 months)
        • Due to missed emails or documentation, it may take longer
    2. Have a specialist (Certified Registration Specialist or CRS) facilitate the process for you to completion, making sure it’s compliant with SAM and its guidlines.

USBRI has been offering filing assistance for over 12 years. A CRS will handle the process for you, making federal contracting registration easier for you. Reach out to the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 for any questions.

If you are unsure if you have a SAM Registration, use the Lookup Tool by clicking the button below

Need to Register or Renew in SAM?

If your SAM Registration expires soon or you do not have one, begin the registration/renewal process NOW. Processing times are taking longer due to new procedures, so you do not want to miss out on any federal contracting opportunites due to the missing or lapsed regsitration. Begin today with a CRS to ease the headache and have a specialist take care of it for you by clicking below.

What happens when a HUBZone expires?

According to SBA, if you see an expiration date for your HUBZone Certification, it means you will no longer qualify on that expiration date. Some of the requirements are listed below:

    • Principal office must reside in a HUBZone
    • 35% of W-2 full time employees must reside in a HUBZone
    • Must meet Small Business Size Standards set forth by the SBA

If you would like to read more about the HUBZone Certification and your eligibility, click the button below

Do you know your SAM Registration status?

An additional requirement to having a HUBZone Certification is you must have an ACTIVE registration in SAM. If you are unsure of your status, use the Lookup Tool by clicking below

Where can I find a list of available federal grants and contracts?

To find a list of available federal contracts and/or grants all you need to do is at the top of this page. hover over “Feder Contracts” and select “Search Federal Contracts”. Using this tool, you will be able to find hundreds of available federal contracting opportunities.

How do I update an existing entity registration in

To update an existing SAM registration, you have a couple of options:

    • Using online resources, you can stumble through the registration given everything is done correctly and all necessary documentation is uploaded (2-3 months)
    • Using a filing service such as USBRI to assist you with the process to completion and making sure everything is compliant (4-6 weeks)