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Understanding CAGE and NCAGE Codes

Understanding CAGE and NCAGE Codes

CAGE (Commercial and Government Entity) and NCAGE (NATO Commercial and Government Entity) codes are crucial for businesses involved in U.S. federal contracting. A CAGE code is assigned to U.S.-based suppliers and government agencies by the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and is used primarily within the United States. An NCAGE code is assigned to companies located internationally, managed by the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA), and is necessary for non-U.S. entities wishing to do business with U.S. government agencies or NATO countries.

Importance for SAM Registration

SAM (System for Award Management) registration is mandatory for businesses seeking to work with the U.S. federal government. U.S.-based entities receive a CAGE code during the SAM registration process, while non-U.S. entities must obtain an NCAGE code before registering in SAM. These codes verify the legitimacy of businesses and facilitate their participation in federal contracts, grants, and other government opportunities.

Knowing Your CAGE/NCAGE Code

If you are unsure if you have a SAM Registration or a CAGE Code, use the SAM Status Lookup Tool by clicking the button below. If you are having trouble finding out if you have a SAM, contact the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 and a Certified Registration Specialist (CRS) will be able to assist you.


***take note of when your registration expires to not miss out on contracting opportunities***


Need to Register or Renew?

If your registration is set to expire in the next 60 days OR you are in need of one, a dedicated CRS will be able to take over the process for you with ease and efficiency. With expert assistance, you can worry about your business’s day-to-day and let USBRI handle SAM. Begin today with a CRS by clicking the button below.

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Key Benefits of SAM Registration

Securing government contracts can significantly boost your business, but the first crucial step is obtaining a System for Award Management (SAM) registration. This mandatory process ensures your business’s eligibility, enhances credibility, and increases visibility to federal agencies, unlocking numerous contracting opportunities.

Key Benefits of SAM Registration:

  • Visibility to Federal Agencies: Registering in SAM makes your business accessible to federal agencies looking for contractors, increasing your potential for contract awards.
  • Enhanced Credibility: A SAM registration demonstrates your compliance with federal regulations, building trust with government agencies.
  • Access to Contract Opportunities: SAM registration is a prerequisite for bidding on federal contracts, unlocking a wealth of opportunities in government contracting.
  • By leveraging the expertise of USBRI and ensuring that your DSBS profile is accurate, complete, and optimized, you can significantly enhance your chances of securing government contracts. Don’t let common pitfalls hold your business back. Take proactive steps today and see how USBRI can help you navigate the path to government contracting success.

By leveraging the expertise of USBRI and ensuring that your DSBS profile is accurate, complete, and optimized, you can significantly enhance your chances of securing government contracts. Don’t let common pitfalls hold your business back. Take proactive steps today and see how USBRI can help you navigate the path to government contracting success.


Need to Register or Renew in SAM?

If you are looking to get started in government contracting, check to see if you are registered in SAM. If you are not registered or if yours is set for expiration, contact the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 to find out your options. If you are ready to have a CRS guide you through the renewal or registration process, click the button below.

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How Do I Qualify for a GSA Schedule?

How Do I Qualify for a GSA Schedule?

Qualifying for a General Services Administration (GSA) Schedule can open a world of opportunities for your business. It allows you to sell your products and services directly to federal agencies. Here’s a concise guide on how to qualify:

1. Meet Basic Requirements

Before you start the application process, ensure your business meets these fundamental criteria:

  • Financial Stability: Your business should be financially sound and have a solid credit history.
  • Two Years in Business: Typically, you need at least two years of experience in your industry, though some exceptions exist.
  • Past Performance: Demonstrate positive past performance through references or case studies.

2. Obtain a UEI Number and Register with SAM

  • UEI Number: The “Unique Entity Identifier” provided when registering in SAM.
  • SAM Registration: Register your business in the System for Award Management (SAM). This is essential for doing business with the federal government.
  • USBRI SAM Registration Service: If you need assistance with the SAM Registration, USBRI and the team of Certified Registration Specialists (CRS) will be able to assist you with the SAM Registration.

3. Meet SBA Small Business Size Standards

  • Small Business Size Standards: Use the Small Business Calculator to determine if you qualify as a Small Business according to the SBA Size Standards.


Need to Register or Renew in SAM?

If you need additional assistance, contact the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 and a CRS will be able to assist you. You can also get started on your SAM Registration with a CRS today by clicking the button below.

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Government Contracting Opportunity Options

Government Contracting Opportunity Options

Exploring government contracting can open new doors for your business. Here are some key opportunities to consider:

  • Federal Contracts:
    • General Services Administration (GSA) Schedule: Long-term governmentwide contracts with commercial companies.
  • State and Local Contracts:
    • State Government Contracts: Each state has its own procurement system for goods and services.
    • Local Government Contracts: Cities, counties, and municipalities often have contracts for local projects.
  • Subcontracting Opportunities:
    • Prime Contractors: Large contractors often need subcontractors to fulfill their government contracts.
    • Mentor-Protégé Program: Pairing small businesses with experienced government contractors to enhance capabilities.

Unlocking these opportunities requires understanding the specific requirements and compliance standards. Begin by registering your business with the System for Award Management (SAM) and explore relevant certifications to increase your eligibility and competitiveness in government contracting.

The most important requirement of federal government contracting is having an active and compliant SAM Registration. USBRI and the team of Certified Registration Specialists (CRS) has been helping companies with SAM and Small Business Certification since 2011. Get in contact with a CRS today to learn more by contacting the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998.

If you are unsure if you have a SAM Registration or would like to find out your status, use the tool by clicking the button below


Need to Register or Renew?

If you have used the Lookup Tool and find your registration is expired, soon-to-be expired, or missing, begin the process TODAY with a CRS so you are not missing out on important contracting opportunities. Click the button below to start the process.

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How Do I Benefit From Government Contracting

How Do I Benefit from Government Contracting?

Engaging in government contracting can offer numerous advantages for businesses of all sizes. Here’s a quick overview of the benefits:

  • Stable Revenue Stream:
    • Government contracts provide a reliable source of income, reducing the impact of market fluctuations.
  • Long-Term Contracts:
    • Many government contracts span several years, offering extended business opportunities and financial stability.
  • Prestige and Credibility:
    • Securing a government contract can enhance your company’s reputation and open doors to additional opportunities.
  • Growth and Expansion:
    • Government contracts often require businesses to scale up, fostering growth and the development of new capabilities.
  • Diverse Opportunities:
    • Contracts are available across various sectors, from construction to IT, providing multiple avenues for business expansion.
  • Networking and Partnerships:
    • Collaborating on government contracts can lead to valuable partnerships and networking opportunities within your industry.
  • Access to New Markets:
    • Working with the government can open up new markets and customer bases, both domestically and internationally.

The most important requirement of federal government contracting is having an active and compliant SAM Registration. USBRI and the team of Certified Registration Specialists (CRS) has been helping companies with SAM and Small Business Certification since 2011. Get in contact with a CRS today to learn more by contacting the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998.

If you are unsure if you have a SAM Registration or would like to find out your status, use the tool by clicking the button below


Need to Register or Renew?

If you have used the Lookup Tool and find your registration is expired, soon-to-be expired, or missing, begin the process TODAY with a CRS so you are not missing out on important contracting opportunities. Click the button below to start the process.

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What is the Importance of Federal Contracting?

The Importance of Federal Contracting

Federal contracting is a crucial avenue for businesses looking to expand their market reach and secure consistent revenue streams. Engaging in federal contracts allows businesses to work directly with the government, leading to significant financial stability and growth opportunities. The federal government is one of the largest consumers of goods and services, offering billions of dollars in contracts each year. This creates a reliable source of income and opens doors to long-term partnerships, enhancing a company’s credibility and market position.

  • Access to a large and reliable customer (the federal government)
  • Opportunities for long-term partnerships and contracts
  • Enhanced credibility and market presence

However, navigating the complexities of federal contracting by yourself can be challenging and overwhelming. With the team of Certified Registration Specialists (CRS), USBRI provides expert assistance in obtaining necessary registrations and certifications, ensuring compliance with federal standards, and streamlining the application process. CRS support significantly reduces the time and effort required, increasing the likelihood of securing contracts and setting the stage for sustainable business growth.

To find out if you are registered in SAM if you are unsure, use the Status Lookup Tool by clicking below


Need to Register or Renew?

If you have found that your registration has expired or is missing, begin the process with a CRS today by clicking the button below. If you have any questions or issues, do not hesitate to reach out to the help desk at 1-888-646-9998.

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How to Get Started in Government Contracting

How to Get Started in Government Contracting

Getting started in government contracting can seem daunting, but it’s a lucrative opportunity for businesses looking to expand their market. The first step is understanding the basics of government contracts, which typically involves researching the types of contracts available, such as fixed-price, cost-reimbursement, and indefinite-delivery contracts. Businesses should also familiarize themselves with key government agencies and their procurement processes. Registering your business in the System for Award Management (SAM) is a crucial step, as it is required for all entities wishing to do business with the federal government.

  • Research types of government contracts
  • Familiarize yourself with key government agencies
  • Register your business in the System for Award Management (SAM)

A company like USBRI can significantly streamline this process. USBRI specializes in helping businesses navigate the complexities of government contracting. Out team of Certified Registration Specialists (CRS) offers expert guidance in ensuring that your business is properly registered and compliant with all federal requirements. We assist with everything from SAM registration to obtaining necessary certifications like the SBA’s small business certification, which can give your business a competitive edge.

To find out if you are registered in SAM if you are unsure, use the Status Lookup Tool by clicking below


Need to Register or Renew?

If you have found that your registration has expired or is missing, begin the process with a CRS today by clicking the button below. If you have any questions or issues, do not hesitate to reach out to the help desk at 1-888-646-9998.

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What is a personal capability statement?

A personal capability statement is a concise document that outlines a small businesses skills, expertise, and accomplishments. It serves as a personal branding tool, highlighting your unique strengths and experiences relevant to your field or desired position. This statement should include a brief introduction, key achievements, professional skills, and contact information, making it easier for potential employers or clients to understand your value and reach out to you.

Download the Government Capabilities Statement template here.


Need Additional Assistance?

If you need additional assistance or would like to learn more about Government Capabilities Statements, contact the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 and a Certified Registration Specialist will be able to assist you.

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Maximize Your Chances for Government Contracts

Maximize Your Chances for Government Contracts

Securing government contracts can be a lucrative opportunity for businesses of all sizes. However, if you find yourself struggling to win these contracts, it may be due to a few common pitfalls. Let’s explore some reasons why you might not be getting government contract opportunities and how you can turn things around with the help of resources like the Dynamic Small Business Search (DSBS) and expert assistance from USBRI.

Incomplete or Inaccurate Profiles on DSBS

One of the most critical steps in securing government contracts is ensuring that your business is properly registered and accurately represented in the Dynamic Small Business Search (DSBS) system. The DSBS is a powerful tool used by contracting officers to find potential vendors. If your profile is incomplete, outdated, or contains inaccuracies, it can significantly diminish your chances of being considered for government contracts. Recently in early 2024, a new ability to link a Capabilities Statement to the profile has been added. This allows contracting officers and prime vendors to conduct full market research and the ability to directly award a contract based off complete profiles. Contact the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 to find out the status of your DSBS and SBA Profiles or if you need assistance.

Lack of Visibility

Even if your profile on DSBS is complete, if it’s not optimized, you might still be invisible to contracting officers. Keywords, past performance, and specific capabilities need to be clearly articulated to stand out in the DSBS database. This is also where the ability to insert a link to your capabilities statement to complete the profile based on the newest changes in early 2024.

Compliance Issues

Government contracts often come with a plethora of compliance requirements. If your business does not meet these requirements, you won’t be considered for contracts. This includes various certifications and adherence to specific regulations.

How USBRI Can Help

This is where USBRI and the team of Certified Registration Specialists (CRS) can make a significant difference for your business. USBRI specializes in assisting businesses to navigate the complexities of government contracting. Here’s how profession assistance can help:

  1. Profile Completion and Optimization: A CRS will be directly assigned to your business to ensure that your DSBS profile is not only complete but also optimized for visibility. They help you highlight your strengths, past performances, and capabilities, making your business stand out to contracting officers.
  2. Compliance Assistance: USBRI provides guidance on meeting all necessary compliance requirements. They help you understand and obtain the necessary certifications, ensuring that your business is eligible for more contract opportunities.
  3. Strategic Positioning: With their deep understanding of government contracting, USBRI can help position your business strategically in the marketplace. They offer insights and advice on how to improve your chances of winning contracts.
  4. Ongoing Support: Government contracting is not a one-time effort. USBRI offers ongoing support to ensure that your profiles and certifications remain up-to-date and in compliance with evolving regulations. This will include unlimited USBRI Help Desk support from your CRS and the Help Desk as well as reminders for expiring registrations and certifications.

By leveraging the expertise of USBRI and ensuring that your DSBS profile is accurate, complete, and optimized, you can significantly enhance your chances of securing government contracts. Don’t let common pitfalls hold your business back. Take proactive steps today and see how USBRI can help you navigate the path to government contracting success.


Need to Register or Renew in SAM?

If you are looking to get started in government contracting, check to see if you are registered in SAM. If you are not registered or if yours is set for expiration, contact the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 to find out your options. If you are ready to have a CRS guide you through the renewal or registration process, click the button below.

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Can you make money as a Government Contractor?

Government Contracting

Federal contracting can be a lucrative business opportunity, but success requires understanding the market, complying with regulations, and delivering high-quality work. Here are some ways contractors can make money:

  1. Competitive Bidding: Winning contracts through competitive bidding processes can lead to profitable projects. Effective proposal writing and competitive pricing are essential.
  2. Long-Term Contracts: Many government contracts are multi-year, providing a steady revenue stream over an extended period.
  3. Repeat Business: Building a good reputation with government agencies can lead to repeat contracts and a reliable source of income.
  4. Niche Specialization: Specializing in a particular field (e.g., cybersecurity, engineering, or medical supplies) can make a contractor more competitive and allow for higher pricing.
  5. Subcontracting: Working as a subcontractor for larger prime contractors can provide steady work and opportunities to gain experience.
  6. Small Business Set-Asides: Participating in set-aside programs for small businesses, women-owned businesses, veteran-owned businesses, and other categories can provide access to exclusive contracting opportunities.
  7. Efficiency and Cost Management: Efficient operations and good cost management can enhance profitability by reducing overhead and maximizing the profit margin.
  8. Innovation and Value: Providing innovative solutions and high-value services can justify higher prices and lead to better profit margins.

While there are significant opportunities, it’s important to note that federal contracting also involves challenges, such as navigating complex regulations, handling administrative burdens, and managing compliance requirements. However, with the right strategy and execution, it can be a profitable venture.

Have More Questions?

A Certified Registration Specialist can answer any questions you may have about Federal Contracting or SAM Registrations by calling the Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 Mon-Fri 9 am-5pm EST.

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