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What is the NAICS code list?

The NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) Code list can be found more extensively at Though there is no specific “list”, you can find any and all NAICS Codes relating to the type of work you do (i.e. constructions, roofing, and more).

A quick way to find a specific NAICS Code is by using the NAICS Code Lookup Tool. You can use the tool by following the steps below:

    • At the top of this page, hover over “Tools and Services”
    • Select “NAICS Code Lookup Tool”
    • Input any keyword or phrase that best describes the type of business you do.
    • Allow the page to generate a list of all the NAICS Codes pertaining to the keyword or phrase you selected.

You can also access the tool by clicking the button below


Need to Renew or Register in SAM?

If you need to renew or register in SAM, begin the process NOW. Processing times are taking longer due to new procedures and you do not want to miss out on government contracting opportunities due to a lapsed or missed registration.

How do I find what my NAICS code is?

To find out the NAICS codes that are in your SAM, follow the steps below:

    • At the top of this page, select “Check SAM Status & Details” in red
    • Input your company’s legal business name, CAGE code, or UEI and solve the algebraic addition problem
    • Allow the page to load and you will see a brief summary of your SAM Registration that includes:
      • NAICS Codes
      • POC’s
      • Expiration Date
      • and more

You can also access the lookup tool by clicking the button below

Need to renew?

If your expiration date is within 60 days, we recommend starting the renewal process now. To start, reach out to our help desk at 1-888-646-9998 with any assistance you may need. You  can also browse the renewal page by clicking the button below.

How long does it take to get a SAM account?

The amount of time it takes to get a SAM Registration (your SAM account is different than a registration) depends on if additional documentation is needed. The processing times for SAM is taking anywhere between 4-6 weeks due to new policies and procedures.

If you are looking to get started in federal contracting or grant work, start the SAM Registration process today with a CRS to ensure you reap the benefits. USBRI has been offering filing assistance for both SAM Registrations and SBA Certification filings for over 12 years. If want to learn more about the SAM Registrations, the process, and it’s benefits, reach out to the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998.

To get started today, click the button below

Unsure If You Have a SAM Registratino?

If you are unsure if your company has a SAM Registration or not, use the SAM Status Lookup Tool by clicking below.

Is it difficult to get a SAM number?

The process of getting a SAM Number, whether it be a UEI (Unique Entity Identifier) or CAGE Code, can be tedious and  time consuming especially when doing it for the first time. SAM has everchanging procedures that can be difficult to keep up with. To know you are doing it right the first time, you can put your trust in a dedicated CRS (Certified Registration Specialist) who will be able to assist you through the entire process.

If you are looking to get started in federal contracting or grant work, start the process today with a CRS to ensure you reap the benefits. USBRI has been offering filing assistance for both SAM Registrations and SBA Certification filings for over 12 years. If want to learn more about the SAM Registrations, the process, and it’s benefits, reach out to the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998.

To get started today, click the button below

Unsure If You Have a SAM Registratino?

If you are unsure if your company has a SAM Registration or not, use the SAM Status Lookup Tool by clicking below.

What are some of the benefits of registering with SAM?

One of the main benefits to having a compliant SAM Registration is  access to federal government contracting opportunities. More benefits include:

    • Becoming eligible for Federal Government Contracts & Grants
    • Become registered & be eligible for FEMA Contracts & Disaster Recovery Response
    • Wanting to be a sub-contractor working under a Prime Contractor & are required to be registered
    • A Government, Non-Profit or Educational entity in need of Federal Financial Assistance

If you are looking to get started in federal contracting or grant work, start the process today with a CRS (Certified Registration Specialist) to ensure you reap the benefits. USBRI has been offering filing assistance for both SAM Registrations and SBA Certification filings for over 12 years. If want to learn more about the SAM Registrations, the process, and it’s benefits, reach out to the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998.

To get started today, click the button below

Unsure If You Have a SAM Registratino?

If you are unsure if your company has a SAM Registration or not, use the SAM Status Lookup Tool by clicking below.

What is the purpose of the SAM?

The purpose of the SAM Registration is so your business can bid on, get, and win federal contracts or grants.

If you are looking to get started in federal contracting or grant work, start the process today with a CRS (Certified Registration Specialist) to ensure you reap the benefits. USBRI has been offering filing assistance for both SAM Registrations and SBA Certification filings for over 12 years. If want to learn more about the SAM Registrations, the process, and it’s benefits, reach out to the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998.

To get started today, click the button below

Unsure If You Have a SAM Registratino?

If you are unsure if your company has a SAM Registration or not, use the SAM Status Lookup Tool by clicking below.

Is SAM only for small business?

While the benefits of having a SAM seem to cater more to small businesses (i.e. SBA Small Business and Set-Aside Certifications), you do not have to qualify as a small business to be registered in SAM. Any legal entity that has an EIN (or SSN for sole proprietors) can be registered in SAM.

If you are looking to get started in federal contracting or grant work, start the process today with a CRS (Certified Registration Specialist) to ensure you reap the benefits. USBRI has been offering filing assistance for both SAM Registrations and SBA Certification filings for over 12 years. If want to learn more about the SAM Registrations, the process, and it’s benefits, reach out to the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998.

To get started today, click the button below

Unsure If You Have a SAM Registratino?

If you are unsure if your company has a SAM Registration or not, use the SAM Status Lookup Tool by clicking below.

Why is SAM not working?

When SAM is being slow or not working, it usually means they are undergoing server issues or maintenance. If you need to check the status of a SAM Registration, follow the steps below:

    • At the top of this page, select “SAM & UEI Status Lookup Tool”
    • Input your company’s legal business name, CAGE code, or UEI
    • Solve the security question and select “Check SAM Status NOW”
    • Allow the page to generate a brief summary of the registration including;
      • UEI and/or CAGE Code
      • Expiration Date
      • Primary NAICS Codes
      • PSC and FSC Codes
      • POC’s
      • and more
    • If the registration is ACTIVE, it will tell you at the top of the summary

If you are having trouble finding the right results, contact the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-998.

You can also access the tool by clicking below

Need to Renew or Register a SAM?

If you need to renew or register, begin the process NOW. The processing times are taking a bit longer due to everchanging procedures so USBRI recommends beginning the process at least 60 days before the set expiration. Call the USBRI Help Desk with any questions or begin the process now with a CRS by clicking the button below.


What is a CAGE code for a small business?

There is no specific CAGE Code for a small business. Each entity registered in SAM for All Awards will obtain their own unique CAGE Code assigned by the DLA (Defense Logistics Agency). If you are unsure of what your CAGE Code is (or if you are registered in SAM), follow the steps below:

    • At the top of this page, select “SAM & UEI Status Lookup Tool”
    • Input your company’s legal business name, CAGE code, or UEI
    • Solve the security question and select “Check SAM Status NOW”
    • Allow the page to generate a brief summary of the registration including;
      • UEI and/or CAGE Code
      • Expiration Date
      • Primary NAICS Codes
      • PSC and FSC Codes
      • POC’s
      • and more
    • If the registration is ACTIVE, it will tell you at the top of the summary

If you are having trouble finding the right results, contact the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-998.

You can also access the tool by clicking below

Need to Renew or Register a SAM?

If you need to renew or register, begin the process NOW. The processing times are taking a bit longer due to everchanging procedures so USBRI recommends beginning the process at least 60 days before the set expiration. Call the USBRI Help Desk with any questions or begin the process now with a CRS by clicking the button below.


How do I look up a unique entity identifier?

To look up a unique entity identifier, follow the steps below:

    • At the top of this page, select “SAM & UEI Status Lookup Tool”
    • Input your company’s legal business name, CAGE code, or UEI
    • Solve the security question and select “Check SAM Status NOW”
    • Allow the page to generate a brief summary of the registration including;
      • UEI and/or CAGE Code
      • Expiration Date
      • Primary NAICS Codes
      • PSC and FSC Codes
      • POC’s
      • and more
    • If the registration is ACTIVE, it will tell you at the top of the summary

If you are having trouble finding the right results, contact the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-998.

You can also access the tool by clicking below

Need to Renew or Register a SAM?

If you need to renew or register, begin the process NOW. The processing times are taking a bit longer due to everchanging procedures so USBRI recommends beginning the process at least 60 days before the set expiration. Call the USBRI Help Desk with any questions or begin the process now with a CRS by clicking the button below.