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How can I see my Unique Entity ID or entity registration record?

To find your SAM Registration entity record or UEI, follow the steps below:

    • At the top of this page, select “SAM & UEI Status Check”
    • Input your company’s legal business name, CAGE code, or UEI
    • Solve the security question and select “Check SAM Status NOW” button in blue
    • Allow the page to generate a brief summary that will include:
      • Expiration Date
      • CAGE Code
      • UEI
      • Primary NAICS Code
      • Primary POC’s
      • PSC and FSC Codes
      • and more
    • If you are having any issues, reach out to the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 and a CRS will be able to assist you

You can also access the tool by clicking the button below

Need to Register or Renew?

If you checked your SAM Registration status and its set to expire in the next 4-6 weeks (or you don’t have one), start the renewal process now. Processing times are taking longer due to new procedures with SAM and USBRI is urging those who have ongoing contracting work with the federal government to start now. You do not want to miss out on payments due to a missed or lapsed registration. Begin the process now with a CRS by clicking the button below.

What is the purpose of small business administration?

The purpose of the SBA (Small Business Administration) is to directly identify and award small businesses located in the United States. The government sets aside a certain percentage of federal contracting dollars to those who are small business certified and/or have a specific set-aside certification. All government contracts under $250k are directly awarded to small businesses so it is beneficial to qualify.

If you are unsure if you do qualify as a small business, use the Small Business Calculator Tool by clicking the button below

Need to Renew or Register in SAM?

A requirement to being qualified as a small business with the government is having an active and compliant SAM Registration. Use the SAM Status Lookup Tool to see if you have a registration and when it expires. If you need to renew and need assistance, reach out to the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 and a dedicated CRS will be able to assist you.

How much does it cost to apply for HUBZone certification?

HUBZone Certification Cost

The only cost to applying for a HUBZone Certification is the time spent on it, especially if you are doing it for the first. The process can be tedious and time consuming especially if you are going to be applying for the first time. USBRI has been offering filing services to those in need of assistance with SAM and SBA Certifications for over 11 years. Reach out to the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 with any questions you may have regarding SAM or Small Business Certifications.

An additional requirement to having a HUBZone Certification is having an ACTIVE registration in SAM, use the tool below to check the status

Need to Renew or Register a SAM Registration?

As stated above, one of the requirements to having any sort of set-aside certification, including HUBZone, is having an active and compliant SAM Registration. If you used the tool above and discovered an expiring or missing registration, get started on the process with a CRS today. You do not want to miss out on new or existing business with the federal government due to that non-compliant SAM Registration.

Why is HUBZone important?

Why is HUBZone important?

The HUBZone (Historically Underutilized Business Zone) Certification is important for you and your business to attract prime contractors who are specifically looking for small businesses located in HUBZone’s. Even if you live in a HUBZone, you must be certified to reap the benefits. Some of the requirements of HUBZone include:

    • Meet SBA Small Business Size Standards (use the Small Business Calculator to check)
    • Primary business office MUST be located in a HUBZone
      • Use the HUBZone Map to verify
    • 35% of all full-time employees MUST be located in a HUBZone
      • Use the HUBZone Map to verify

If you have determined that you are eligible for a HUBZone Certification, get in touch with a CRS (Certified Registration Specialist) by calling the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998. USBRI has been servicing small businesses who need to register in SAM and/or obtain Small Business Certifications for over 11 years. A dedicated CRS will do the work for you, only pulling you in when absolutely necessary.

An additional requirement to having a HUBZone Certification is having an ACTIVE registration in SAM, use the tool below to check the status


Need to Renew or Register a SAM Registration?

As stated above, one of the requirements to having any sort of set-aside certification, including HUBZone, is having an active and compliant SAM Registration. If you used the tool above and discovered an expiring or missing registration, get started on the process with a CRS today. You do not want to miss out on new or existing business with the federal government due to that non-compliant SAM Registration.

Do vendors need a UEI number?

Do Vendors Need a UEI?

Whether vendors are required to have a UEI or not is up to the prime contractor or grant officer.

If you are unsure if a vendor have a UEI, follow the steps below:

    • At the top of this page, select “Check SAM & UEI Status”
    • Input your company’s full legal business name (or CAGE Code, if known)
    • Solve the security question and select “Check SAM Status NOW”
    • Allow the page to generate a brief summary of your SAM Registration that includes:
      • UEI
      • Expiration Date
      • Primary NAICS Codes
      • PSC and FSC Codes
      • Primary POC’s
      • and more
    • If you are having trouble, do not hesitate to reach out to the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998.

You can also access the tool by clicking the button below

Need to Register or Renew?

If you checked your SAM Registration status and its set to expire in the next 4-6 weeks (or you don’t have one), start the renewal process now. Processing times are taking longer due to new procedures with SAM and USBRI is urging those who have ongoing contracting work with the federal government to start now. You do not want to miss out on payments due to a missed or lapsed registration. Begin the process now with a CRS by clicking the button below.

Do you still need a DUNS number to register with SAM?

In 2022, the Duns and Bradstreet (DUNS) number was phased out and replaced with SAM’s own Unique Entity Identifier (UEI). Obtaining that UEI is part of the process of registering in SAM, so you don’t “need” a UEI as you automatically receive one when you register for the first time.

If you are unsure if you have a UEI, follow the steps below:

    • At the top of this page, select “SAM * UEI Status Tool”
    • Input your company’s full legal business name (or CAGE Code, if known)
    • Solve the security question and select “Check SAM Status NOW”
    • Allow the page to generate a brief summary of your SAM Registration that includes:
      • UEI
      • Expiration Date
      • Primary NAICS Codes
      • PSC and FSC Codes
      • Primary POC’s
      • and more
    • If you are having trouble, do not hesitate to reach out to the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998.

You can also access the tool by clicking the button below

Need to Register or Renew?

If you checked your SAM Registration status and its set to expire in the next 4-6 weeks (or you don’t have one), start the renewal process now. Processing times are taking longer due to new procedures with SAM and USBRI is urging those who have ongoing contracting work with the federal government to start now. You do not want to miss out on payments due to a missed or lapsed registration. Begin the process now with a CRS by clicking the button below.

What is the dollar threshold for simplified acquisition procedures?

Currently, the SAT (Simplified Acquisition Threshold) is set at $250,000. This means good and services worth no more than that set amount can be purchased by the federal government with ease and less hassle. This is specifically geared towards companies that qualify as a Small Business, meeting the requirements set forth by the SBA (Small Business Administration).

If you are unsure if you qualify as a Small Business and/or meet the requirements, click the button below

Need to Renew or Register in SAM?

An additional requirement to participating in government contract work is to have an ACTIVE and compliant SAM Registration. Use the SAM Status Lookup Tool to see if you have a registration or need to renew. If you have a question or need assistance, reach out to the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 and a dedicated CRS will be able to help you, You can also get started today by clicking the button below.

Who sets the simplified acquisition threshold?

The ones who set the simplified acquisition threshold is usually the local or state government. Simplified acquisition procedures are extremely beneficial to small businesses looking to get started in government contracting work. It makes the process of obtaining work much simpler and easier f or government agencies and prime contractors looking for business to do work for them.

To get started in government federal contracting work or grant opportunities, USBRI has been offering filing services for SAM Registration and Small Business Set-Asides and Certifications. Reach out to the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 for more information.

If you are unsure if your business has a SAM, use the status check tool by clicking the button below

Does Your Business Qualify for Set-Aside Certifications?

The federal government sets aside a portion o their spending specifically to certified small businesses through the SBA. As well as the Small Business Certification, there are Set-Aside Certifications as well such as Woman-Owned, Veteran-Owned, HUBZone, and Minority-Owned [8(a)]. If you are unsure if your business qualifies, use the Small Business Calculator Tool by clicking the button below

What is set aside for small business?

The federal government sets-aside a certain percentage of federal contracting dollars to businesses who meet its specific requirements. There are four primary set-aside programs that you can participate in and be certified:

    • Woman-Owned Small Business Certification (WOSB/EDWOSB)
      • 5% of all Federal funds annually are allocated to WOSB Certified businesses
    • Veteran-Owned Small Business Certification (VOSB/SDVOSB)
      • Bid on exclusive contracts set aside for VOSBs.
      • 3% of federal contracts designated for SDVOSB certified contractors.
    • HUBZone Certification
      • Businesses in historically underutilized business zones are given exclusive access to certain government contracts.
      • HUBZone certified businesses benefit from a 10% price evaluation preference in open contract competitions.
    • 8(a) Certification
      • 5% of all federal monetary spending is mandated to be allocated to Minority Owned Small Business certificate holders.
      • As an 8(a) certified business, you are visible to contracting officers as a small business and Minority certified, so the pool for set-aside contracts is smaller, which maximizes your ability to receive no bid contract under $25,000.

USBRI has been offering filing assistance for SAM Registration’s and SBA Certifications for over 12 years. A dedicated CRS (Certified Registration Specialist) will be able to handle the entire process for you, only pulling you in when absolutely necessary. Reach out to the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 with any questions regarding SAM or SBA Certification’s and discover how to get assistance.

To know if you qualify as a small business, use the Small Business Calculator Tool by clicking the button below

Need to Register or Renew a SAM Registration?

If you used the SAM Status Check Tool and discovered you don’t have a SAM Registration or the one you have is set to expire soon, begin the process NOW. A dedicated CRS will be assigned to your business to guide you through the process, making sure it is compliant in SAM and you meet the proper requirements. You can reach out to the USBRI Help Desk to learn more or get started immediately on government contracting by clicking the button below.

What are SBA set aside programs?

The SBA Set-Aside programs are official recognitions provided by the Small Business Administration. It’s goal is for the government to spend a certain amount of federal contracting dollars on certain types of businesses who meet the requirements and are certified. There are four main SBA Set-Aside Certifications which include:

    • Woman-Owned Small Business Certification (WOSB/EDWOSB)
      • 5% of all Federal funds annually are allocated to WOSB Certified businesses
    • Veteran-Owned Small Business Certification (VOSB/SDVOSB)
      • Bid on exclusive contracts set aside for VOSBs.
      • 3% of federal contracts designated for SDVOSB certified contractors.
    • HUBZone Certification
      • Businesses in historically underutilized business zones are given exclusive access to certain government contracts.
      • HUBZone certified businesses benefit from a 10% price evaluation preference in open contract competitions.
    • 8(a) Certification
      • 5% of all federal monetary spending is mandated to be allocated to Minority Owned Small Business certificate holders.
      • As an 8(a) certified business, you are visible to contracting officers as a small business and Minority certified, so the pool for set-aside contracts is smaller, which maximizes your ability to receive no bid contract under $25,000.

USBRI has been offering filing assistance for SAM Registration’s and SBA Certifications for over 12 years. A dedicated CRS (Certified Registration Specialist) will be able to handle the entire process for you, only pulling you in when absolutely necessary. Reach out to the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 with any questions regarding SAM or SBA Certification’s and discover how to get assistance.

To know if you qualify as a small business, use the Small Business Calculator Tool by clicking the button below

Need to Register or Renew a SAM Registration?

If you used the SAM Status Check Tool and discovered you don’t have a SAM Registration or the one you have is set to expire soon, begin the process NOW. A dedicated CRS will be assigned to your business to guide you through the process, making sure it is compliant in SAM and you meet the proper requirements. You can reach out to the USBRI Help Desk to learn more or get started immediately on government contracting by clicking the button below.