The registration is active for 365 days from the date it was submitted for processing. You can check your SAM status by clicking the “Check SAM Status” button below and use our tool!
Category: SAM Registration
Blogs pertaining to SAM Registration
How do I see if my registration is active?
To see if your registration is active, log in to your account and check your entity’s status. If you’d like a quick and easy way to check your status, click the “Check SAM Status” below and use our tool!
Check your entity’s SAM Registration status!
What Do You Need Assistance With?
When should I renew my registration?
As a general rule of thumb, you should renew your registration at least 60 days prior to it’s set expiration. Due to new policies, the process make take a bit longer and can be quite the hassle. If you’re unsure of when your entity’s SAM Registration date is, use our “Check SAM Status” tool by clicking the button below!
Check your entity’s SAM Registration status!
What Do You Need Assistance With?
How do I find my expiration date?
Click the “Check SAM Expiration Here” button below to use our tool and find your registration’s expiration quickly.
Another option is logging in to and checking your SAM Registration status that way.
If you’re interested in learning more about us, you can check out our services page below.
What Do You Need Assistance With?
How do I know if my registration is active?
To know if your SAM Registration is active, follow the steps below:
- At the top of this page, select “Check SAM & UEI Status”
- Input your company’s legal business name, CAGE code, or UEI
- Complete the security question
- Select “Check SAM Status NOW”
- Allow the page to generate a brief summary of your registration which will include:
- CAGE Code
- Expiration Date
- PSC, FSC, and NAICS Codes
- and more
USBRI has been offering filing assistance service for SAM for over 12 years. If you have any questions or need any assistance, do not hesitate to call the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 and a CRS will be able to help you.
You can also access the tool by clicking below
What Do You Need Assistance With?
How long is a registration good for?
Check your entity’s SAM Registration status!
What Do You Need Assistance With?
Can two companies have the same CAGE code?
Check your entity’s SAM Registration status!
What Do You Need Assistance With?
What does immediate owner in SAM mean?
Check your entity’s SAM Registration status!
What Do You Need Assistance With?
Is the DUNS number no longer being used?
As of April 2022, the Data Universal Number System (DUNS) provided by Dun & Bradstreet is no longer the national entity identifier in It is now called a UEI (Unique Entity Identifier).
Check your entity’s SAM Registration status!