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What is the difference between a CAGE code and a DUNS number?

DUNS number is assigned to the lowest organizational level. CAGE code is assigned per legal entity at individual physical addresses.


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What happens if my SAM Registration expires?

Until you renew your SAM profile and it’s approved and reinstated as active, all payments from existing federal contracts will cease, and this can seriously affect your business. In general, we recommend that you handle SAM renewal a couple of months before your SAM profile expires. Check below when your SAM Registration expires!


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How often does SAM registration expire?

SAM registration expires one year after the federal government approves a business’ initial SAM registration. Due to the meticulous process that SAM registration involves, a business will want to start their SAM renewal months ahead of the 365-day mark from when they last registered. Check when your SAM Registration expires below!


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Is SAM registration worth it?

If you’re struggling to win contracts or just starting a business-to-government firm, SAM registration is a critical early step in the process. It is a one-stop-shop to connect you to plenty of government business opportunities, as well as allowing federal entities to search for your services specifically.


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What are the benefits of registering with SAM?

There are multiple reasons companies use the SAM Registry:
  • SAM gives you access to federal business opportunities.
  • SAM enables you to self-certify.
  • SAM is a marketing platform.


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What is a Cage Code?

A Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code is a unique identifier assigned to suppliers to various government or defense agencies, as well as to government agencies themselves and also various organizations. CAGE codes provide a standardized method of identifying a given facility at a specific location.

The CAGE system includes CAGE Workbench, CAGE XML, CAGE Web Services, and CAGE Public.

The CAGE Public provides a unified solution for searching CAGE codes (CAGE Search and Inquiry – CSI), finding required forms, requesting a new CAGE code or updating an existing CAGE code, news, training and frequently asked questions.


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How do I know if I am registered in SAM?

To know if you are registered in SAM, follow the steps below:

  1. At the top of this page, select the red button that says “Check SAM Status & Details”
  2. Input your company’s name, UEI, or CAGE code, and submit.
  3. A summary of your registration will load including stuff from
    • POC’s
    • Expiration Date/Status
    • NAICS Codes
    • and more

Another way to check the status is by clicking the button below

Need to renew?

If your registration is set to expire in the next 60 days, USBRI recommends getting started on the renewal process as early as possible. If you’re ready to begin, give our help desk a call at 1-888-646-9998 and we would be happy to help  you. You can also browse our  renewal page by clicking the button below.

What is SAM Registration used for?

The System for Award Management (SAM) is a government-wide registry for vendors doing business with the Federal government, and SAM registration requires annual renewal. SAM centralizes information about grant recipients and also provides a central location for grant recipients to change organizational information.


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