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Can a sole-proprietor register in

Sole proprietors may use their Social Security Number (SSN) assigned by the Social Security Administration (SSA) as their TIN to register in

If you need to start the registration process, check out our page by clicking the button below


Do you know your SAM Registration status?

If you need to check your registration status, click the button below to use the tool

How long does it take to get a CAGE Code?

Approximately 4-5 business days after your SAM application is approved, NCAGE/CAGE Codes will be assigned and delivered by e-mail.


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Who is required to have a CAGE Code?

Anyone who wishes to do business with and receive money directly from the federal government or receive federal grant funding needs to be registered on and have an active CAGE code.


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Do subcontractors need a CAGE Code?

There is no simple answer to the question of whether subcontractors need a CAGE code or not. It is dependent on the individual contract between the subcontractor, prime contractor, and the federal government. For individual cases, consult with the agent of the government entity contracting the project to learn more about the requirements for your subcontracting job.


Is it difficult to get a CAGE Code?

SAM registration is the process that you must complete to get your CAGE code, but it can be a difficult and time-consuming process. The application is lengthy and filled with government-speak. That is why many entities elect to use a service like USBRI to assist with a fast and easy registration process.

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Who needs a SAM number ?

Your “SAM” number is actually your CAGE code provided by the System for Award Management (SAM). Every business needs a CAGE code to be considered for federal contracts and grants.



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How many NAICS Codes should be on a SAM Registration?

When choosing NAICS Codes for your SAM Registration, it’s important to identify your Primary NAICS Code first. Then the ideal amount of NAICS Codes is normally 3-5, with some having as many as 10 codes. A mistake many smaller businesses make is choosing too many codes. When Contracting Officers/Prime Vendors/etc. are viewing registered businesses, if one cannot easily see what a business specializes in, they will most likely be skipped over and an entity that clearly displays their area of expertise will be chosen over such other records.

Use our NAICS Code look up tool to find your business’s NAICS code. Also use the SAM Status Lookup Tool to determine the status and the NAICS codes of your SAM Registration.


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What is the difference between a DUNS number and a UEI?

The DUNS number used to be used as an entity identifier in the federal government until 2023. SAM removed the DUNS numbers entirely from their system and was replaced with a UEI (Unique Entity Identifier) on April 4th, 2022.


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Does my SAM application need to be renewed?

The SAM application is valid for TWELVE months after the process and registration is complete, so you would need to renew your registration every year. You can check your entities SAM status below!


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How do I check if my company is a legal entity?

If you would like to find out if a company is a legal entity, navigate to the Secretary of State webpage of the state of which the business was registered.

If you are inquiring about a SAM Registration and need to know the status or if you have one, use the SAM Status Lookup Tool by clicking the button below


Need to Renew or Register in SAM?

If you are ready to begin the registration or renewal process in SAM with professional assistance, contact the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998. You can also purchase the service by clicking the button below. Within 24 hours of purchase. a CRS will be in contact with you to begin the process.