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Where to find CAGE Code Status

To find your CAGE Code Status (aka SAM Registration Expiration) follow the steps below:

    • At the top of this page, select “Check SAM & UEI Status” in red
    • Input your company’s legal business name or UEI
    • Answer the security question and select “Check SAM Status NOW”
    • Allow the page to generate a brief summary that will include
      • SAM Expiration Date
      • CAGE Code
      • UEI
      • NAICS Codes
      • PSC Codes
      • FSC Codes
      • and more

You can also use the tool by clicking on the button below

Need to Register or Renew?

If your SAM Registration is within 60 days of expiring, begin the renewal process NOW. Processing times are taking longer due to new policies so get in touch with a CRS today by calling the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998. You can also browse the USBRI Services page by clicking below to learn more.

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How to find CAGE Code Status

To find your CAGE Code Status (aka SAM Registration Expiration) follow the steps below:

    • At the top of this page, select “Check SAM & UEI Status” in red
    • Input your company’s legal business name or UEI
    • Answer the security question and select “Check SAM Status NOW”
    • Allow the page to generate a brief summary that will include
      • SAM Expiration Date
      • CAGE Code
      • UEI
      • NAICS Codes
      • PSC Codes
      • FSC Codes
      • and more

You can also use the tool by clicking on the button below

Need to Register or Renew?

If your SAM Registration is within 60 days of expiring, begin the renewal process NOW. Processing times are taking longer due to new policies so get in touch with a CRS today by calling the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998. You can also browse the USBRI Services page by clicking below to learn more.

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Why does SBA take so long?

There are many factors that go into the reasoning behind the lengthy process for obtaining an SBA Certification. If you need assistance, USBRI has been guiding small business’s through SAM and SBA for over 11 years. Reach out to the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 with any questions you may have.

A requirement for any Small Business Certification is having a SAM Registration be active. If you are unsure about your registration status, use the lookup tool by clicking below

Need to Register or Renew?

If your SAM Registration is within 60 days of expiring, begin the renewal process NOW. Processing times are taking longer due to new policies so get in touch with a CRS today by calling the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998. You can also browse the USBRI Services page by clicking below to learn more.

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Why would a business not be SBA approved?

\A business may not be SBA approved for a few reasons. The two primary reasons might be:

    1. No SAM Registration
    2. DSBS Profile not filled to completion

USBRI has been offering filing assistance to small business’s in need of help when it comes to SAM and SBA.

If you are unsure about your registration status, use the lookup tool by clicking below

Need to Register or Renew?

If your SAM Registration is within 60 days of expiring, begin the renewal process NOW. Processing times are taking longer due to new policies so get in touch with a CRS today by calling the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998. You can also browse the USBRI Services page by clicking below to learn more.

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What income do you need for SBA?

The amount of revenue required for Small Business or Set-Aside Certification depends on your primary NAICS code. You can follow the steps below to find your primary NAICS code:

  • At the top of this page, select “Check SAM & UEI Status” in red
  • Input your company’s legal business name, CAGE code, or UEI
  • Answer the security question and select “Check SAM Status NOW”
  • If there is a SAM Registration, the page will generate a brief summary of it including:
    • Primary NAICS Code
    • Expiration Date
    • UEI
    • CAGE Code
    • PSC Codes
    • FSC Codes
    • POC’s
    • and more

Once you find your primary NAICS code, use the Small Business Calculator tool by clicking below to determine your eligibility


Need to Register or Renew Your SAM Registration?

If you have checked your SAM Registration status and it is within 60 days of expiring, begin the renewal process NOW. Processing times are taking longer due to new policies so get in touch with a CRS today by calling the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998. You can also browse the USBRI Services page by clicking below to learn more.

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Is SBA hard to get?

Getting SBA certified can be challenging without the proper tools to guide you. You don’t want to miss out on federal contracting opportunities because of a missed document.

USBRI has been offering filing assistance for SBA Certifications for over 11 years. Ensuring you are compliant, USBRI will facilitate the entire process for you, only pulling you in when absolutely necessary. If you have any questions regarding filing assistance, reach out the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 and a CRS will be able to answer any questions you may have.

An additional requirement of having a Small Business Certification is having an ACTIVE registration in SAM. If you are unsure about your registration status, use the lookup tool by clicking below

Need to Register or Renew?

If your SAM Registration is within 60 days of expiring, begin the renewal process NOW. Processing times are taking longer due to new policies so get in touch with a CRS today by calling the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998. You can also browse the USBRI Services page by clicking below to learn more.

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Why certify small business?

If you are looking to obtain contracts, grants, or simply grow your business, getting small business certified is essential. To be SBA Certified as a Small Business means more opportunities for your business to grow. When you are SBA Certified, you enter a much smaller pool of candidates when contractors and subcontractors come looking for business and are able to show off what your provide using things such as your DSBS profile and your capabilities statement.

USBRI has been offering filing assistance for SBA Certifications for over 11 years. Ensuring you are compliant, USBRI will facilitate the entire process for you, only pulling you in when absolutely necessary. If you have any questions regarding filing assistance, reach out the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 and a CRS will be able to answer any questions you may have.

An additional requirement of having a Small Business Certification is having an ACTIVE registration in SAM. If you are unsure about your registration status, use the lookup tool by clicking below

Need to Register or Renew?

If your SAM Registration is within 60 days of expiring, begin the renewal process NOW. Processing times are taking longer due to new policies so get in touch with a CRS today by calling the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998. You can also browse the USBRI Services page by clicking below to learn more.

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Is SBA worth it?

If you are looking to obtain contracts, grants, or simply grow your business, getting SBA certified is essential. To be SBA Certified as a Small Business means more opportunities for your business to grow. When you are SBA Certified, you enter a much smaller pool of candidates when contractors and subcontractors come looking for business and are able to show off what your provide using things such as your DSBS profile and your capabilities statement.

USBRI has been offering filing assistance for SBA Certifications for over 11 years. Ensuring you are compliant, USBRI will facilitate the entire process for you, only pulling you in when absolutely necessary. If you have any questions regarding filing assistance, reach out the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 and a CRS will be able to answer any questions you may have.

An additional requirement of having a Small Business Certification is having an ACTIVE registration in SAM. If you are unsure about your registration status, use the lookup tool by clicking below

Need to Register or Renew?

If your SAM Registration is within 60 days of expiring, begin the renewal process NOW. Processing times are taking longer due to new policies so get in touch with a CRS today by calling the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998. You can also browse the USBRI Services page by clicking below to learn more.

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What classifies me as a small business?

There are a few factors that come in to play when SBA decided who is eligible for any small business venture. Your primary NAICS code, average annual revenue, and number of W-2 employees.

What qualifies you as a small business is decided by the SBA Small Business Size Standards, which you can read more about and use the Small Business Calculator tool by clicking the button below.

Need to Register or Renew Your SAM Registration?

If you have checked your SAM Registration status and it is within 60 days of expiring, begin the renewal process NOW. Processing times are taking longer due to new policies so get in touch with a CRS today by calling the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998. You can also browse the USBRI Services page by clicking below to learn more.

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What does it mean to be small business certified?

To be SBA Certified as a Small Business means more opportunities for your business to grow. When you are SBA Certified, you enter a much smaller pool of candidates when contractors and subcontractors come looking for business and are able to show off what your provide using things such as your DSBS profile and your capabilities statement.

USBRI has been offering filing assistance for SBA Certifications for over 11 years. Ensuring you are compliant, USBRI will facilitate the entire process for you, only pulling you in when absolutely necessary. If you have any questions regarding filing assistance, reach out the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 and a CRS will be able to answer any questions you may have.

An additional requirement of having a Small Business Certification is having an ACTIVE registration in SAM. If you are unsure about your registration status, use the lookup tool by clicking below

Need to Register or Renew?

If your SAM Registration is within 60 days of expiring, begin the renewal process NOW. Processing times are taking longer due to new policies so get in touch with a CRS today by calling the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998. You can also browse the USBRI Services page by clicking below to learn more.

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