Do I need a DUNS number for my LLC?

If you are a business of any kind planning to do business with the federal government, you MUST have a SAM Registration. The DUNS number was phased out in 2022 and replaced by UEI (Unique Entity Identifier). To lookup your UEI, follow the steps below: At the top of this page, select “Check SAM &…

How do I get my UEI number?

To get a UEI number, there are generally two ways to approach it. You can either: Using a firm like USBRI, who will assist you in the SAM Registration and making sure it is compliant and up-to-date. Using online resources, go through the process on your own. USBRI has been offering filing assistance service for…

Do all businesses have a CAGE code?

If your business is registered in then you may have a CAGE Code assigned. Only legal entities registered in SAM will have a CAGE Code. If you re unsure if you have a CAGE Code, follow the steps below: At the top of this page, select “Check SAM & UEI Status” Input your company’s…

Where can I find my SAM ID?

To find your SAM ID (more commonly known as a UEI or CAGE Code), follow the steps below: At the top of this page, select “Check SAM & UEI Status” Input your company’s legal business name, CAGE code, or UEI Complete the security question Select “Check SAM Status NOW” Allow the page to generate a…