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What is one of the biggest challenges to a woman owned business?

The funding gap remains a significant challenge for women in business, with only 2.2 percent of venture capital going to women-founded businesses. Additionally, all-male founded companies receive funding approximately 35 percent of the time, while the number drops to less than 2 percent for women. This lack of financial support makes it difficult for female entrepreneurs to scale their companies, resulting in a lower percentage of women-owned businesses surpassing $1 million in revenue compared to men.

Accessing support platforms and mentorship is also challenging for female entrepreneurs due to a scarcity of women in influential business positions. Building professional communities becomes a hurdle, preventing women from finding mentors, sponsors, and supporters who could contribute to their success.

Despite the significant contributions of women leaders who generate trillions of dollars annually and lead prominent companies, gender stereotypes persist and undermine the capabilities of female entrepreneurs. Traits associated with entrepreneurship, such as self-esteem, risk-taking, decision-making, and confidence, are often erroneously considered “male only,” disregarding the strong identification of female entrepreneurs with these attributes.

Consequently, the prevailing image of an entrepreneur as a man leads women to underestimate entrepreneurship and leadership as viable options from a young age.


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How do I verify my WOSB certification?

To confirm the submission and track the status of your application, please follow these steps:

  1. Visit and log in to your account.
  2. Access the application “dashboard” within the portal.
  3. Look for your application under the “program participation status” section, which will display as either “draft” or “submitted.” If submitted, it is currently undergoing pre-processing/processing.
  4. Check the “decision” section for the final decision on your certification application, whether it has been approved or denied. Upon certification, you will receive an official certification letter.

Remember, there are resources available to support you throughout the application process. The Knowledge Base on offers instructional videos, user guides, and additional information to assist you.

If you do not have a Small Business Certification, use the tool by clicking below


Do you know your SAM Registration status?

Your SAM Registration MUST be active in order to still qualify for a Small Business Certification. Use the tool by clicking below to check the status.

How long does WOSB certification last?

When you obtain a WOSB (Women-Owned Small Business) certification from the SBA (Small Business Administration), a three-year certification is granted. As part of the certification process, an annual attestation must be completed through the website If you are already certified through WBENC (Women’s Business Enterprise National Council), WBENC will handle your WOSB recertification annually and upload it as part of the attestation requirement. Click below to take our WOSB Certification eligibility questionnaire!


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