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What are the eligibility requirements for SBA small business certification?

Eligibility Requirements for SBA Small Business Certification

  • Business Size: Must meet the SBA size standards, which vary by industry and are based on the number of employees or average annual receipts. Use the Small Business Calculator Tool to determine if you meet the SBA Small Business Size Standards.
  • Ownership: At least 51% owned and controlled by U.S. citizens or permanent resident aliens.
  • Operations: The business must be:
    • For-profit
    • Independently owned and operated

How USBRI Can Help

USBRI and our team of CRS (Certified Registration Specialists) assists small businesses in navigating the complexities of obtaining SBA certifications. They provide expert guidance by assessing eligibility, offering advisory services, and aiding in the preparation and submission of application documents. USBRI also ensures ongoing compliance with SBA regulations, keeps businesses updated on policy changes, and offers training sessions and resources to streamline the certification process and improve the chances of successful certification.

An additional requirement is having an active and compliant SAM Registration. If you are unsure if you have a SAM, use the SAM Status Check Tool by clicking below

Renew or Register in SAM

If you need to register or renew in SAM, a dedicated CRS will be able to facilitate the entire process for you and only pulling you in where absolutely necessary. If you are ready to begin with a professional, select the button below and a CRS will be in contact with you within 24 business hours.

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The Importance of SBA Small Business Certifications

Securing government contracts can transform a small business. A key step in this process is obtaining SBA (Small Business Administration) small business certifications. These certifications not only open doors to federal contracts but also level the playing field for small businesses to compete with larger corporations.

Key SBA Certifications

  1. 8(a) Business Development Program: For businesses owned by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals, offering access to sole-source contracts.
  2. Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Program: Empowers women entrepreneurs with access to federal contracts set aside for women-owned businesses.
  3. Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) Program: Provides an edge in federal contracting for businesses owned by veterans with service-related disabilities.
  4. HUBZone Program: Supports businesses in historically underutilized business zones (HUBZone’s), stimulating economic growth through federal contracts. Use the HUBZone Map Lookup Tool to determine if you, your employees, and principal office is located in a HUBZone.

The Personal Capabilities Statement

A Personal Capabilities Statement is crucial for businesses seeking SBA certifications. Having one in place will:

  • Showcases Expertise: Highlights skills and experience.
  • Builds Credibility: Demonstrates professionalism and readiness.
  • Facilitates Networking: Serves as a leave-behind document at events.

Use the Small Business Calculator Tool to determine if your business is eligible for a Set-Aside or Small Business Certification


How USBRI Can Help

Navigating SBA certifications and crafting a compelling Personal Capabilities Statement can be challenging. USBRI specializes in SAM (System for Award Management) registrations and small business certifications, offering:

  1. Expert Guidance: With a Certified Registration Specialist, you will have a step-by-step support through the certification process.
  2. Document Preparation: Crafting and refining your Personal Capabilities Statement as well as making sure any and all appropriate documentation is gathered.
  3. SAM Registration: The SAM Registration is a requirement for all SBA certifications and USBRI can help you stay active and compliant.
  4. Ongoing Support: With a purchased service, you will have unlimited access to the USBRI Help Desk as well as your Certified Registration Specialist (CRS) for the length of time you have purchased.

As mentioned above, a SAM Registration is required for any SBA certification. If you are unsure if you have a SAM Registration, use the SAM Status Lookup Tool by clicking the button below.


Need to Renew or Register in SAM?

If you have checked your SAM Registration status and it is either expiring soon or missing, begin the process with a CRS today. Having a dedicated specialist stay on top of your registration is important to make sure everything is done right. If you are ready to begin, click the button below and a Certified Registration Specialist will be in contact within 24 business hours. If you have additional questions, reach out to the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 for additional questions.

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Who qualifies as SBA?

Who qualifies for a SBA Small Business or Set-Aside Certification?

Companies and individual that qualify for SBA Certifications must meet the SBA Small Business Size Standards. To find out if you company meets the requirements, use the Small Business Calculator Tool here and determine your eligibility.

Why is SBA Certification necessary?

Having a Small Business Certification or Set-Aside Certification is not necessary if you are NOT looking to grow your business ventures. A Small Business Certification will ensure you are up against a much smaller pool of competition when it comes to bidding on federal contracts. If you are looking to expand your business and guarantee more federal contracting opportunities, USBRI highly recommends you obtain a Small Business Certification.

What is required?

While meeting the SBA’s Small Business Size Standards is important, having a SAM Registration is vital to having that Small Business Certification.

If you are unsure if you have a SAM Registration, use the SAM Status Lookup Tool by clicking below


Need to Register or Renew?

If your SAM Registration is set for renewal or you do not have one, begin the process with a Certified Registration Specialist today. Having a professional assist you with the registration will guarantee compliance and accuracy when registering in SAM and keeping on top of any changes that need to be made. Begin now by clicking the button below.

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What is an SBA certified business?

What is an SBA Certified Business?

A business that is certified with the SBA (Small Business Administration) is one that has access to additional opportunities when it comes to federal contracting work.

Is this important for my business?

If you are looking to take on more federal contracting work, a Small Business Certification is vital for you and your business. This will put you in a much smaller pool of companies that are bidding on federal contracts as prime contractors.

How do I know if I am qualified for a Small Business Certification?

If you are unsure if you are qualified to have a Small Business Certification, use the Small Business Calculator Tool.

A requirement for a Small Business Certification is having an active and compliant SAM Registration. Use the SAM Status Lookup Tool by clicking the button below and see if you are or your business has a SAM Registration.


Need to Register or Renew?

If your SAM Registration is set for renewal or you do not have one, begin the process with a Certified Registration Specialist today. Having a professional assist you with the registration will guarantee compliance and accuracy when registering in SAM and keeping on top of any changes that need to be made. Begin now by clicking the button below.

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What are the 5 SBA requirements of a small business?

There are a few requirements that must be met in order to be SBA Certified, such as:

    • Meet the SBA’s Small Business Size Standards
    • Must be registered in the government’s SAM portal
    • Must be a for-profit organization

If you are unsure if you qualify as a small business, you can use the Small Business Calculator Tool by clicking below

Registered in SAM?

As mentioned above, a requirement of being SBA certified is having an active and compliant SAM Registration. USBRI has been offering assistance to both SAM and Small Business Certifications since 2011. A dedicated CRS will be able to assist you with any and all questions you have. If you are unsure if you are registered, use the SAM Status Lookup Tool by clicking the button below.

Need to Register or Renew?

If you have checked your SAM status using the tool and it is either missing or set for expiration, begin the process with a CRS today. Processing times are taking longer due to new procedures and compliances so tackling the renewal/registration with a specialist is recommended to make sure it is done in a timely manner. Begin the process now by clicking the button below.

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Is getting SBA certified worth it?

Is Getting SBA Certified Worth it?

If you are looking to be considered in a small group of companies when competing for federal contracts, getting SBA certified is vital to that. The governments sets aside a quarter of a million dollars annually to companies that are certified small businesses.

If you are unsure if you qualify as a small business, you can use the Small Business Calculator Tool by clicking below

Registered in SAM?

As mentioned above, a requirement of being SBA certified is having an active and compliant SAM Registration. USBRI has been offering assistance to both SAM and Small Business Certifications since 2011. A dedicated CRS will be able to assist you with any and all questions you have. If you are unsure if you are registered, use the SAM Status Lookup Tool by clicking the button below.

Need to Register or Renew?

If you have checked your SAM status using the tool and it is either missing or set for expiration, begin the process with a CRS today. Processing times are taking longer due to new procedures and compliances so tackling the renewal/registration with a specialist is recommended to make sure it is done in a timely manner. Begin the process now by clicking the button below.

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What does it mean to be SBA certified?

SBA Certified: What Does It Mean?

Being certified as a small business with SBA will open your business to many opportunities in the federal contracting field. There are a few requirements that must be met in order to be SBA Certified, such as:

    • Meet the SBA’s Small Business Size Standards
    • Must be registered in the government’s SAM portal
    • Must be a for-profit organization

If you are unsure if you qualify as a small business, you can use the Small Business Calculator Tool by clicking below


Registered in SAM?

As mentioned above, a requirement of being SBA certified is having an active and compliant SAM Registration. USBRI has been offering assistance to both SAM and Small Business Certifications since 2011. A dedicated CRS will be able to assist you with any and all questions you have. If you are unsure if you are registered, use the SAM Status Lookup Tool by clicking the button below.

Need to Register or Renew?

If you have checked your SAM status using the tool and it is either missing or set for expiration, begin the process with a CRS today. Processing times are taking longer due to new procedures and compliances so tackling the renewal/registration with a specialist is recommended to make sure it is done in a timely manner. Begin the process now by clicking the button below.

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How long does my small business certification last?

The length of time a small business certification lasts depends on a few factors:

    • When your registration SAM expires (use the tool below)
    • If you still meet the small business size standards (use the tool below)
    • Specific certification regulations
      • For example; a WOSB Certification needs to go through a recertification process every THREE years, while the HUBZone lasts for as long as you qualify and remain in a HUBZone.

USBRI has been assisting small businesses with registering in SAM as well as small business certifications for over 11 years. If you are unsure if you are registered in SAM or if you qualify for a small business certification, use the respective tool by clicking either of the buttons below.


Need to Register or Renew?

If you need to renew or register in SAM, begin the process NOW. You do not want to miss out on federal contracting opportunities due to a missed or lapsed registration. Begin the process now with a professional Certified Registration Specialist by clicking the button below. If you have additional questions, reach out to the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998.

What is the purpose of small business administration?

The purpose of the SBA (Small Business Administration) is to directly identify and award small businesses located in the United States. The government sets aside a certain percentage of federal contracting dollars to those who are small business certified and/or have a specific set-aside certification. All government contracts under $250k are directly awarded to small businesses so it is beneficial to qualify.

If you are unsure if you do qualify as a small business, use the Small Business Calculator Tool by clicking the button below

Need to Renew or Register in SAM?

A requirement to being qualified as a small business with the government is having an active and compliant SAM Registration. Use the SAM Status Lookup Tool to see if you have a registration and when it expires. If you need to renew and need assistance, reach out to the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 and a dedicated CRS will be able to assist you.

What are SBA set aside programs?

The SBA Set-Aside programs are official recognitions provided by the Small Business Administration. It’s goal is for the government to spend a certain amount of federal contracting dollars on certain types of businesses who meet the requirements and are certified. There are four main SBA Set-Aside Certifications which include:

    • Woman-Owned Small Business Certification (WOSB/EDWOSB)
      • 5% of all Federal funds annually are allocated to WOSB Certified businesses
    • Veteran-Owned Small Business Certification (VOSB/SDVOSB)
      • Bid on exclusive contracts set aside for VOSBs.
      • 3% of federal contracts designated for SDVOSB certified contractors.
    • HUBZone Certification
      • Businesses in historically underutilized business zones are given exclusive access to certain government contracts.
      • HUBZone certified businesses benefit from a 10% price evaluation preference in open contract competitions.
    • 8(a) Certification
      • 5% of all federal monetary spending is mandated to be allocated to Minority Owned Small Business certificate holders.
      • As an 8(a) certified business, you are visible to contracting officers as a small business and Minority certified, so the pool for set-aside contracts is smaller, which maximizes your ability to receive no bid contract under $25,000.

USBRI has been offering filing assistance for SAM Registration’s and SBA Certifications for over 12 years. A dedicated CRS (Certified Registration Specialist) will be able to handle the entire process for you, only pulling you in when absolutely necessary. Reach out to the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 with any questions regarding SAM or SBA Certification’s and discover how to get assistance.

To know if you qualify as a small business, use the Small Business Calculator Tool by clicking the button below

Need to Register or Renew a SAM Registration?

If you used the SAM Status Check Tool and discovered you don’t have a SAM Registration or the one you have is set to expire soon, begin the process NOW. A dedicated CRS will be assigned to your business to guide you through the process, making sure it is compliant in SAM and you meet the proper requirements. You can reach out to the USBRI Help Desk to learn more or get started immediately on government contracting by clicking the button below.