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Do I need to renew my SAM membership?

There is no membership program involved with The registration tied to your entity expires after one year and should be renewed 60 days before expiration.

Check your entity’s SAM Registration status!

Check out our services page below!

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Does your number expire?

Your 12-digit UEI (Unique Entity Identifier) number does not expire. However, the registration itself that is tied to that UEI expires after one year and needs to be renewed annually. If you’d like to check your entity’s registration status, click the “Check SAM Status” button below!

Check out our services page below!

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How long does it take to reactivate registration?

The process to reactivate your registration can take about one month or more (depending on the validation process).It can be A lengthy and time consuming process so if you are interested in learning more about us and our services, check out our services page below!

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What happens if registration expires?

If your entity’s registration expires, all payments will cease until activated again. If you’d like to check your SAM registration status, click the button “Check SAM Status” below!

Check out our services page below!

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How do I reactivate my registration?

You can reactivate your registration on the website. The process can be lengthy and time consuming so if you are interested in learning more about us and our services, check out our services page below!

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How often does expire?

Your entity’s registration expires every 12 months. If you’d like to check your entity’s expiration date, click below!

Check your entity’s SAM Registration status!

Check out our services page below!

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How often do you need to renew your registration?

You must renew your registration every 12 months. If your SAM Registration expires, all payments will cease until it becomes active again.

If you are unsure about your registration status, use the lookup tool by clicking below

Need to Register or Renew?

If your SAM Registration is within 60 days of expiring, begin the renewal process NOW. Processing times are taking longer due to new policies so get in touch with a CRS today by calling the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998. You can also browse the USBRI Services page by clicking below to learn more.

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How do I know when my registration expires?

To know if your registration expires, visit and log in to your account. For a quick and easy way to check your registration’s status,  you can click the “Check SAM Status” button below and use our tool.

Check your entity’s SAM Registration status!

Check out our services page below!

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  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Do accounts expire?

No, accounts do not expire. However, entity registrations expire one year after activation. Check your SAM Registration status by clicking the “Check SAM Status” button below!

Check out our services page below!

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  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

What does inactive on mean?

If your registration on is inactive, that means it has expired and needs to be renewed to continue reaping the benefits of federal contracting.

If you are unsure of the status (or if you have one), click the button below


Need to Register or Renew?

If your SAM is set to expire in the next 60 days, begin the renewal process NOW. Validation times are taking longer due to new procedures, so you do not want to miss out on opportunities due to a lapsed or missed registration. Reach out the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 and find out your options. To begin the process with a CRS today, click the button below