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What is the 51 rule for small business set aside?

The 51 Rule: Set-Aside Certifications

The SBA has certain requirements when it comes to their set-aside program certifications. The “51 Rule” refers to ownership requirement when it comes to certain programs like the Woman-Owned Small Business and Veteran-Owned Small Business Programs. To qualify for a WOSB, the company must be 51% owned by  a woman. With VOSB, a veteran must own 51% of the company.

The SBA’s Set-Aside Programs are a great way for prime contractors to find you as well as be awarded direct contracts whether it be for WOSB, HUBZone, or VOSB.

USBRI has been in operation since 2011, assisting company’s of all business structures with getting started in the field of federal contracting such as; SAM Registration, SBA Certifications, and more.

If you are unsure of your SAM Registration status (or if you have one) use the SAM & UEI Lookup Tool by clicking the button below.


Federal Small Business Certification

If you have a SAM Registration and are ready to maximize its use, getting your Federal Small Business Certification is the next step. 23% of all federal contracting dollars MUST be awarded to a Certified Small Business. Additionally, prime contractors will not be able to find you and award you unless you are registered in the small business databases.

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What are the benefits of the SDVOSB Certification?

The VA (Veterans Affair) department of the federal government knows how to take care of our veterans. The federal government allows the VA to set-aside a percentage of federal contracting dollars every year as well as other benefits including:

  • Bid on exclusive contracts set aside for businesses with the VOSB or SDVOSB Certification
  • 5% of federal contracts designated for SDVOSB certified businesses.
  • Access to federal sole-source and set-aside contracts across various government agencies.
  • 70% of Americans show a preference for doing business with veteran-owned companies.
  • Fewer competitors in federal contract bids where regulations favor VOSBs.
  • Higher likelihood of being approached for “no-bid” contracts under $25,000.

If you are a veteran-owned company that is looking to partake in any of the benefits above, reach out to the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 and a CRS will be able to assist and answer any questions you may have.

USBRI has been assisting entity of all business structures since 2011 with SAM and SBA Certifications. Having a dedicated Certified Registration Specialist facilitate the process for you will guarantee it is done in a timely manner with ease and efficiency.

Do You Know the Status of Your SAM Registration?

If you are looking into any set-aside program and certification, you MUST have a SAM Registration that is active and compliant. To know if you have one or unsure of your status, check by using the SAM & UEI Status Lookup Tool by clicking below.

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Benefits of the Woman-Owned Small Business Certification

Benefits of the Woman-Owned Small Business Certification

Becoming a certified Woman-Owned Small Business (WOSB) can greatly increase the growth of your business. The federal government sets aside 5% of federal contracting dollars each year to WOSB Certified businesses and there are even specific contracts that only WOSB Certified businesses can obtain and bid on.

The key benefits of the WOSB/EDWOSB Certification include:

  • Access to federal contracts set aside specifically for WOSBs
  • 5% of federal contracting dollars are allocated to WOSB Certified small businesses.
  • Increased subcontracting opportunities
  • WOSB Certified businesses also gain direct contracting access with prime contractors and are listed in exclusive government databases, enhancing their visibility for no-bid and direct-award contracts.
  • WOSB set-aside contracts have higher profit margins compared to other contracts

USBRI has been in business since 2011 assisting small businesses with SAM and Set-Aside Certifications. If you have questions or would like more information get in contact with a CRS today by calling the Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998. Learn more about the WOSB/EDWOSB Certification by clicking the button below.

Do You Know the Status of Your SAM Registration?

A requirement to obtaining any Federal Small Business Certification is having an active and compliant SAM Registration. Having a SAM Registration ensures that you are a business that is able to do business with the federal government and can get paid for the work you do. If you are unsure of the status, use the SAM & UEI Status Lookup Tool by clicking the button below.

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What are the benefits of the HUBZone Program?

Benefits of a HUBZone Certification

The SBA’s HUBZone Certification Program comes with exclusive benefits to those who qualify:

  • Businesses located in a historically underutilized business zone (HUBZone) are given exclusive access to certain government contracts.
  • HUBZone Certified businesses receive preferential consideration in all competitive government contract bids.
  • Benefit from a 10% price evaluation preference in open contract competitions.
  • Large firms bidding on government contracts in excess of $750,000 must provide an allocation for HUBZone firm participation as part of the contract. Therefore, having a HUBZone certification will allow for these subcontracting opportunities

USBRI has been in business since 2011 assisting companies of all size and structures with SAM, Small Business, and Set-Aside Program Certifications. If you have questions about HUBZone, reach out to the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998.

Additionally, check out the HUBZone Certification page by clicking below to read more on the certification, requirements, and benefits.


Do You Know the Status of Your SAM Registration?

The most important requirement for the HUBZone Certification is having an active and compliant SAM Registration. If your registration has lapsed, you will lose out on any and all government contracts INCLUDING any HUBZone Certification. Use the SAM & UEI Status Lookup Tool to find out when your SAM expires.

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1-Year Extension of WOSB Program Recertification

WOSB Certification Renewal Has Been Extended 1-Year

On May 30, 2024, the Small Business Administration (SBA) has changed the renewal date of businesses participating in the Women-Owned Small Business Certification Program (WOSB Certification).  There is now an additional year of eligibility to those businesses whose three-year certification renewal date is set anywhere between June 1, 2024 through May 31, 2025.

What this means is that any and all businesses that have their 3-Year Renewal date set from June 1, 2024 through through may May 31, 2025 will have their renewal date changed to June 1, 2025.

If you are unsure of the date your WOSB Certification Renewal is due, contact the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 and a Certified Registration Specialist will assist you.

If  you are unsure if you still qualify for the WOSB Certification, use the button below to find the requirements.


Do You Know the Status of Your SAM Registration?

Be sure your SAM Registration remains active and in compliance to not lose your WOSB status. If you allow your SAM Registration to lapse, that will cause delays and complications when it comes to contracting work. If you are WOSB Certified but have an an inactive SAM, they will NOT award a contract to you. Check the status of your SAM Registration by clicking the SAM & UEI Status Lookup Tool button below.

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Small Business Certification: What are the 5 requirements?

5 Requirements of the Small Business Certification

Being considered a Small Business by the Small Business Administration (SBA) and obtaining your Small Business Certification will greatly increase growth and revenue for your company. Prime federal contractors will be looking up eligible companies via the DSBS and only contacting those who have their profiles complete. Below are the five requirements, Small Business Size Standards, set forth by the SBA.

  • Be a for-profit business of any legal structure
  • Be independently owned and operated
  • Not be nationally dominant in its field
  • Be physically located and operate in the U.S. or its territories
  • Be registered and active in

Completing your Small Business profiles are essential when wanting to be contacted by prime contractors. Additionally, if you are Small Business Certified, you may be eligible for one or more of the SBA’s Set-Aside Programs (WOSB/EDWOSB, VOSB/SDVOSB, 8(a) Program, and HUBZone Program).

For an easy way to find out if you qualify for a Small Business Certification, click the button below to use the calculator tool.


Do You Know the Status of Your SAM Registration?

As stated above, a SAM Registration is required when looking to obtain any Federal Small Business Certification. If you are unsure of your SAM status (or if you have one) use the SAM & UEI Status Lookup Tool by clicking the button below

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What are set-aside programs?

SBA Certifications: Maximizing your SAM Registration

The SBA has developed certification programs known as “Set-Asides”. Each program has a percentage of federal contracting dollars set-aside for each of them, hence the name “Set-Aside”.

There are four primary SBA Set-Aside Programs;

    1. Woman-Owned/Economically Disadvantaged Woman-Owned Small Business (WOSB/EDWOSB)
      • 5% of all Federal contracting dollars are allocated to WOSB or EDWOSB certified businesses
    2. Veteran-Owned/Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB/SDVOSB)
      • 3% of federal contracts designated for SDVOSB certified contractors.
    3. Historically Underutilized Business Zone Certification (HUBZone)
      • Businesses in historically underutilized business zones are given exclusive access to certain government contracts.
    4. 8(a) Business Development Program Certification (Minority Owned)
      • As an 8(a) certified business, you are visible to contracting officers as a small business and Minority certified, so the pool for set-aside contracts is smaller, which maximizes your ability to receive no bid contract under $25,000.

Click on ay of those certifications above to learn more about each and which one is right for you. Get in contact with a Certifications Specialist by reaching the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998. If you’d like to learn more and are interested, fill out the questionnaire at the bottom of this page and/or call the Help Desk to schedule an appointment.

If you are unsure if you qualify as an SBA small business, use the Small Business Calculator Tool by clicking below


Do You Know the Status of Your SAM Registration?

A requirement for any SBA Certification is having an active and compliant SAM Registration. If you are unsure if you have one or need to know the status of your registration, use the SAM & UEI Status Lookup Tool by clicking the button below

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What are the eligible NAICS Codes for the WOSB/EDWOSB Program?

Eligible NAICS Codes for Woman-Owned Small Business Certification

Eligible NAICS Codes for Woman-Owned Small Business Certification

Having a NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) Code is essential to your business when seeking out federal contracts and grants. Your SAM Registration will ask you to provide any and all relevant NAICS Codes to your business. The 5-6 digit code is designed to identify what your company does as a business and the service provided.

The WOSB/EDWOSB Small Business Certification program has specific NAICS Codes when considering who can apply for the certification. To be eligible, the primary NAICS code on your SAM Registration must match what is accepted by the WOSB Program.

To view the list of eligible NAICS Codes for the WOSB Certification, click the button below


Do You Know the Status of Your SAM Registration?

A requirement to obtaining any Federal Small Business Certification is having an active and compliant SAM Registration. Having a SAM Registration ensures that you are a business that is able to do business with the federal government and can get paid for the work you do. If you are unsure of the status, use the SAM & UEI Status Lookup Tool by clicking the button below.

What Certifications are you interested in?
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Benefits of the WOSBEDWOSB Small Business Certification

Benefits of the WOSBEDWOSB Small Business Certification

Benefits of the WOSB/EDWOSB Certification

Becoming a certified Woman-Owned or Economically Disadvantaged Woman-Owned Small Business (WOSB/EDWOSB) can greatly increase the growth of your business. The federal government sets aside a percentage of federal contracting dollars each year to WOSB and there are even specific contracts that only WOSB Certified businesses can obtain and bid on.

Some Key benefits of the WOSB/EDWOSB Certification include:

  • Access to federal contracts set aside specifically for WOSBs
  • 5% of federal contracting dollars are allocated to WOSB Certified small businesses.
  • Increased subcontracting opportunities
  • WOSB Certified businesses also gain direct contracting access with prime contractors and are listed in exclusive government databases, enhancing their visibility for no-bid and direct-award contracts.
  • WOSB set-aside contracts have higher profit margins compared to other contracts

USBRI has been in business since 2011 assisting small businesses with SAM and Set-Aside Certifications. If you have questions or would like more information get in contact with a CRS today by calling the Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998. Learn more about the WOSB/EDWOSB Certification by clicking the button below.

Do You Know the Status of Your SAM Registration?

A requirement to obtaining any Federal Small Business Certification is having an active and compliant SAM Registration. Having a SAM Registration ensures that you are a business that is able to do business with the federal government and can get paid for the work you do. If you are unsure of the status, use the SAM & UEI Status Lookup Tool by clicking the button below.

What Certifications are you interested in?
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HUBZone Certification: Where Do I Find Assistance?

hubzone certification where do i find assistancce


HUBZone Certification: Where Do I Find Assistance?

The HUBZone Certification is one of the Set-Aside Certifications from the SBA (Small Business Administration). Gathering all necessary information is crucial before getting started with the HUBZone application. There are three main ways you can find HUBZone Certification assistance:

  1. Office of HUBZone Assistance
    • The Office of HUBZone Assistance holds a conference meeting every Tuesday and Thursday from 2pm-3pm EST by calling the phone number 208-391-5817 (must have a conference ID)
  2. Your local SBA Office and PTAC Centers
    • Both offer evening and weekend classes on many of these topics.
  3. USBRI Certified Registration Specialist (CRS)
    • Call and speak with a CRS who can answer your questions directly, offering professional filing services for Federal and State Small Business Certifications.  1 (888)-646-9998  Mon-Fri  (9a-5p EST)


Check SAM Registration Status

The first step in applying for a HUBZone Certification is having an active SAM Registration. If you are unsure of the status of your SAM Registration, use the SAM & UEI Status Lookup Tool by clicking below.

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