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Is getting SBA Certified worth it?

There are many benefits to being a certified small business with SBA, the main one being that your business is more likely to get chosen for federal contracts or grants. Check your eligibility status below using our Small Business Calculator!

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How long does it take to get a entity ID

After submitting a completed registration, your entity will immediately be assigned a UEI (Unique Entity Identifier) Number. Then, the registration will go through an IRS and a CAGE/DLA validation process to complete and activate the registration.


Check your entity’s SAM Registration status by clicking below


Need to Register or Renew?

If your SAM Registration is set to expire in the next 2 months, begin the renewal process NOW. Processing times are taking longer due to new procedures, do do not miss out on federal contracting opportunities due to a lapsed or missing registration. You can either do it on your own using resources provided online OR have a professional facilitate the process for you right here at USBRI. Click the button below if you would like to start with a CRS today.

How do you qualify for

In order to activate your registration you will need your entity’s UEI, CAGE code, and up-to-date business information. Check your registration status by clicking the “Check SAM Status” button below! You can also contact our help desk Monday through Friday from 9am-5pm EST at 888-646-9998.

Check your entity’s SAM Registration status!

Check out our services page below!

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Is a legitimate website? is an official United States government website with the purpose of registering business’s (entity’s) that are interested in doing business and bidding on grants with the federal government. Additionally, any domain ending in “.gov” can be trusted as they are official government websites.

Check your entity’s SAM Registration status!

Check out our services page below!

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Why do I need a account?

In order to register your entity with and bid on federal contracts and grants, you must create a account. If you are interested in learning about us and the services we offer, check out our services page below!

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Does cost money?

There is no cost to use, however, the process can be lengthy and time consuming especially with new rules and regulations implemented in the last few years. If you are interested in using our services, you can browse our services page below by clicking the button!

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How long does it take for to approve application?

The SAM Registration goes through two validation process after submission. The first one (which usually is immediately approved or denied) is the IRS/TIN validation process. The second one is the DLA/CAGE validation process, which takes a bit longer. Every registration is different, making the validation process different between each entity. If you’d like to learn more about us and the services we offer, check out our services page by clicking the button below!

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How long does entity validation take?

After submitting a registration, it goes through two  validation processes. The first one is the IRS/TIN matching validation process and the second one is the  DLA/CAGE validation process. The validation process duration depends on if SAM or DLA/CAGE needs additional documentation to validate the entity. If you are interested in learning more about us, browse our services page below!

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How long is a SAM certification good for?

The “SAM certification” is not a certification, but a registration that is good for one year after activation. The registration must be renewed every year and remain active to still be considered for federal contracts and grants.

If you’d like a quick and easy way to check your registration status, use the SAM Status Lookup Tool by clicking below.

Need to renew?

If you are ready to begin the renewal process, call the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 and one of our Certified Registration Specialists will be able to assist you. You can also browse the renewal page by clicking the button below.