What does SAM verify?

Your SAM Registration will go through two validation processes. The first being IRS and the second being CAGE/DLA. Both SAM and CAGE are attempting to verify that you are a legal entity before you can do business with the US federal government. If you are unsure that you have a SAM Registration, click the button…

What is SAM government registration?

The SAM (SAM.gov) registration is the way the federal government tracks where funding via contracts and grants are going, to who, and for what. To bid, obtain, and win federal contracts, you need an active SAM Registration. USBRI has been offering filing assistance for SAM Registrations for over 13 years. Consistently on top of changes…

Why do I need to fill out form 4022?

If you receive anything pertaining to the importance of filing Form 4022 as well as paying $117, DO NOT FILL THE FORM OUT OR SEND MONEY. This is a clever way for companies to obtain money and information from individuals.. There is no such thing as “Form 4022” from the IRS and especially no fee…

What is DSBS?

Dynamic Small Business Search is a database tool provided by the SBA (Small Business Administration) to search for small business. To have a profile you would have to have a SAM registration. If you’re unsure you don’t have a SAM registration click the button below