Is NAICS code the same as EIN?

No, the NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) is NOT the same thing as the IRS assigned EIN (Employer Identification Number). The NAICS code is a 5-6 digit set of numbers used to identify what your company provides as a service and is only used in the context of federal contracting. When registering in SAM,…

Why do I have multiple NAICS Codes?

The reason a business would have multiple NAICS codes would be because that is the amount that was entered when doing the SAM Registration. You may provide multiple services where you need multiple NAICS codes for. A business is required, when registering in SAM, to have one primary NAICS code. After that, you are able…

Who can help me with a SAM registration? doesn’t officially offer help to those applying for the registration. USBRI has been offering filing assistance for the last 13 years and would be able to assist you with a SAM registration through completion. If you have any questions regarding your SAM registration reach out to the USBRI Help Desk 1-888-646-9998. If you are…

Does NAICS code matter?

NAICS codes are essential when doing a SAM Registration and wanting to obtain any sort of SBA Certification. The NAICS code helps contractors identify the type of service you provide as a business. If you are unsure if your business has a NAICS Code, follow the steps below: At the top of this page, select…