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How many NAICS codes can a business have?

Number of NAICS Codes a Business Can Have

There is no limit on how many NAICS codes a business can have. However, 5-10 codes are ideal to make it easier for subcontractor to find your business.

Follow the steps below to use the NAICS Code Lookup Tool and find what NAICS code best fits your business:

    • At the top of this page, hover over “Tools & Services”
    • Select “NAICS Code Lookup Tool
    • Input a keyword, phrase, or NAICS code
    • Allow the page to generate a list of NAICS Codes associated with the keyword, phrase, or NAICS code
    • If you are unsatisfied with the results, reach out the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 and a CRS will be able to assist you.

You can also access the tool by clicking the button below

Need to Register or Renew a SAM Registration?

The NAICS codes are primarily used to identify and determine small businesses. In order to be considered and obtain a certification, you need to register in SAM. If you are unsure of your status, use the SAM Status Lookup Tool and fill in the necessary information. I f you need assistance register or renewing, visit the USBRI Services page by clicking the button below

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Am I Registered with SAM?

 To know if you’re registered with SAM follow the steps below

    • At the top of this page, select “Check SAM and UEI Status” in red
    • Input your legal business name, UEI or CAGE code
    • Solve the security question and select ” Check SAM Status Now”
    • Allow the page to generate a brief summary of your SAM that will include;
      • Expiration Date
      • CAGE code
      • UEI
      • PSC, FSC, NAICS code
      • POCs
      • And more

Another way to access the tool is by clicking below

Need to Register or Renew?

If you need to register or renew your SAM Registration, you can reach out to the USBRI Help Desk or visit the services page by clicking the button below

What Do You Need Assistance With?

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Is DUNS and Bradstreet going away?

DUNS Numbers: Are they going away?

As of early 2022, DUNS (and Bradstreet) no longer assigns the identification for a SAM Registration. DUNS numbers officially transferred to the UEI that same year. If you are unsure of what your UEI number is or need to locate the status of your SAM Registration, follow the steps below:

    • At the top of this page, select “Check SAM and UEI Status” in red
    • Input your legal business name, UEI or CAGE code
    • Solve the security question and select ” Check SAM Status Now”
    • Allow the page to generate a brief summary of your SAM that will include;
      • Expiration Date
      • CAGE code
      • UEI
      • PSC, FSC, NAICS code
      • POCs
      • And more

Another way to access the tool is by clicking below

Need to Register or Renew?

If you need to register or renew your SAM Registration, you can reach out to the USBRI Help Desk or visit the services page by clicking the button below

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What is the SAM ID?


The SAM ID (more commonly known as UEI), is a 12 character set of letters and numbers used to identify a business in SAM. To know if you have a UEI, you must follow the steps below:

    • At the top of this page, select “Check SAM and UEI Status” in red
    • Input your legal business name, UEI or CAGE code
    • Solve the security question and select ” Check SAM Status Now”
    • Allow the page to generate a brief summary of your SAM that will include;
      • Expiration Date
      • CAGE code
      • UEI
      • PSC, FSC, NAICS code
      • POCs
      • And more

Another way to access the tool is by clicking below

Need to Register or Renew?

If you need to register or renew your SAM Registration, you can reach out to the USBRI Help Desk or visit the services page by clicking the button below

What Do You Need Assistance With?

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Where to find SAM ID?

In order to find your SAM ID (more commonly known as UEI), you must follow the steps below:

    • At the top of this page, select “Check SAM and UEI Status” in red
    • Input your legal business name, UEI or CAGE code
    • Solve the security question and select ” Check SAM Status Now”
    • Allow the page to generate a brief summary of your SAM that will include;
      • Expiration Date
      • CAGE code
      • UEI
      • PSC, FSC, NAICS code
      • POCs
      • And more

Another way to access the tool is by clicking below

Need to Register or Renew?

If you need to register or renew your SAM Registration, you can reach out to the USBRI Help Desk or visit the services page by clicking the button below

What Do You Need Assistance With?

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Are NAICS Codes five or six digits?

NAICS Codes: 5 or 6 Digits?

NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) uses a six digit coding system used to determine the type of service a company provides. The first two digits represent the sector, the third represents the subsector, the fourth is industry group, fifth is industry, and the last one is the national industry.

Follow the steps below to use the NAICS Code Lookup Tool and find what NAICS code best fits your business:

    • At the top of this page, hover over “Tools & Services”
    • Select “NAICS Code Lookup Tool
    • Input a keyword, phrase, or NAICS code
    • Allow the page to generate a list of NAICS Codes associated with the keyword, phrase, or NAICS code
    • If you are unsatisfied with the results, reach out the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 and a CRS will be able to assist you.

You can also access the tool by clicking the button below

Need to Register or Renew a SAM Registration?

The NAICS codes are primarily used to identify and determine small businesses. In order to be considered and obtain a certification, you need to register in SAM. If you are unsure of your status, use the SAM Status Lookup Tool and fill in the necessary information. I f you need assistance register or renewing, visit the USBRI Services page by clicking the button below

What Do You Need Assistance With?

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What’s considered a small business to register for a Registration: What is considered a “Small Business”?

Any business or sole proprietor is able to register for However, to be considered a small business you must meet the Small Business Sized Standards set forth by the SBA (Small Business Administration).

When you’re registered in you will be able to obtain small business certifications as long as you meet the requirements.

Use the Small Business Calculator Tool to determine your eligibility by clicking below

Are you registered in SAM?

A requirement to obtaining a small business or set-aside certification, you must be registered in SAM. To get started on the process, reach out the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 or view the services page by clicking below

What Do You Need Assistance With?

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Do major businesses apply for Registration: Do major businesses register?

All businesses wanting to do business with the federal government must register in If you’re looking to apply for federal contracts and grants, you must have a registration.

USBRI has been offering filing services with registrations for 13 years. If you need assistance reach out to 1-888-646-9998 with any questions or assistance.

If you are unsure you do not have a SAM registration click the button below

Need to Register or Renew?

If you need to register or renew your SAM Registration, you can reach out to the USBRI Help Desk or visit the services page by clicking the button below

What Do You Need Assistance With?

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What can I expect when having a registration?

What to Expect with SAM Registrations

When you have a registration, you will be able to apply to federal contracts and grants is the money portal for the government, tracking where money is going to who and for what. So having a registration is vital when doing business with the federal government.

If you are unsure you do not have a SAM registration click the button below

Need to Register or Renew?

If you need to register or renew your SAM Registration, you can reach out to the USBRI Help Desk or visit the services page by clicking the button below

What Do You Need Assistance With?

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What can I expect when having a SAM registration?

What to Expect with SAM Registrations

When you have a SAM registration, you will be able to apply to federal contracts and grants SAM is the money portal for the government, tracking where money is going to who and for what. So having a SAM registration is vital when doing business with the federal government.

If you are unsure you do not have a SAM registration click the button below

Need to Register or Renew?

If you need to register or renew your SAM Registration, you can reach out to the USBRI Help Desk or visit the services page by clicking the button below

What Do You Need Assistance With?

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