Is the CAGE Code public?

Yes. CAGE Codes are public information available on websites such as,, and To use the SAM Status Lookup tool, follow the steps below: At the top of this page, select “Check SAM & UEI Status” in red Input your company’s legal business name or UEI Solve the security question and select “Check…

Can a CAGE code change?

After a CAGE Code is issued, it will not be changed unless a SAM Registration is deactivated and a new one is started. While CAGE Codes do not expire necessarily, if a SAM Registration has been INACTIVE for 5 or more years then the CAGE Code is no longer valid. To find your CAGE Code,…

Who issues a CAGE Code?

A CAGE Code is issued by DLA (Defense Logistic Agency) only after a SAM Registration has gone through the necessary validation procedures. If you are unsure if you have a SAM Registration or CAGE Code, follow these steps: At the top of this page, select “Check SAM & UEI Status” in red Input your company’s…

How do I update my CAGE Code?

If you are being told to update your CAGE Code, you may have an inactive SAM Registration that needs to be renewed. Follow the steps below to check your SAM Status: At the top of this page, select “Check SAM & UEI Status” in red Input your company’s legal business name, CAGE code, or UEI…