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What are benefits of a WOSB Certification?

The Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) certification offers several benefits to women entrepreneurs and their businesses. Here are some key advantages:

    1. Access to Federal Contracts:
      • Eligibility for federal contracts set aside for WOSBs and Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Businesses (EDWOSBs).
      • Increased visibility and opportunities to compete for government contracts.
    2. Set-Aside Opportunities:
      • 5% of all Federal funds annually are allocated to Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) certified businesses.
    3. Competitive Advantage:
      • The certification can provide a competitive edge in the marketplace, as some contracts may specifically require or prefer working with certified WOS
    4. Networking and Collaboration:
      • Opportunities to connect with other WOSBs and form partnerships or collaborations.
      • Access to events and resources aimed at fostering networking within the WOSB community
    5. Access to Resources and Support
      • WOSBs may gain access to resources, training, and support programs provided by the SBA and other organizations. These resources can help businesses with various aspects, such as procurement processes, business development, and financial management.
    6. Visibility and Recognition
      • WOSB certification can enhance the visibility and recognition of your business as a women-owned enterprise. This recognition can be beneficial in marketing your products or services to both government and private sector clients.
    7. Encouraging Diversity in Business
      • WOSB certification contributes to promoting diversity and inclusion in the business community. Many organizations and government agencies are committed to supporting and fostering diversity, and working with certified WOSBs aligns with these initiatives.

If you think you meet the qualifications for a Woman-Owned Small Business Certification, browse the page and do the questionnaire by clicking the button below

Need to Register or Renew Your SAM Registration?

An additional eligibility requirement for the WOSB Certification is to have an active SAM Registration. If you are unsure of your status or if you have one, reach out to the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 and a Certified Registration Specialist would ne happy to assist you. Browse the USBRI Services page by clicking the button below.