Once all information is verified, your file will go through a 4 stage review process starting with: (2-14 days on avg.)
- Certification Registration Specialist Review
- IRS Validation
- Defense Logistics Agency approval
- CAGE Code Department approval
During review, a CRS may suggest additional NAICS Codes and/or PSC Codes be added to your SAM Registration if needed. This includes any other areas of the registration that are known to cause issues and/or negatively impact organizations directly and indirectly. The visibility of your organization in the proper areas with the proper matching data across all platforms is the most important factor for success.
As of February 1st, ALL SAM Registrants MUST complete the “Reps & Certs” (Representations & Certifications section of the SAM Registration Filing). Prior, only those organizations registering for contracts had to complete this area, now EVERYONE must complete this section. As many questions are written for lawyers to understand, if you do not understand the question, contact the Help Desk and a CRS will assist you in answering properly (unless you have an in-house lawyer you want to utilize).