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How do I get the WOSB Certification?

To get the WOSB Certification, you want to make sure your business is eligible. Some of the requirements consist of:

    • Business must be 51% of greater owned by a woman
    • Daily operations management must be a woman
    • Highest officer position must be held by a woman
    • The woman must manage the business full-time and devote full-time hours
    • The woman must have full supervisory control
    • Primary NAICS Codes selection must fall within 1 of the 217 WOSB set-aside NAICs

To check your eligibility and read more about the benefits, click the button below to browse the WOSB Certification page

Do you know your SAM Registration status?

A requirement to having a set-aside certification is having an ACTIVE registration in SAM. If you are unsure of the status of your SAM Registration, use the lookup tool by clicking below