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How do I find my UEI number?

Find UEI Number

Having access to your Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) is extremely important when it comes to any government contracting opportunities or federal grant applications. Not having obtained a UEI through automatically disqualifies entities and businesses from all federal contracts and grants. To see what your entity’s UEI is, or to check if you even have one, you can use the steps below:

  • Visit to access the tool
  • Click the red “Check SAM & UEI Status” button in the top right corner
  • Search by company name, CAGE Code, or UEI
  • Answer the security question
  • Press “Check SAM Status NOW”
  • Results and details are immediately shown, such as UEI, CAGE Code, NAICS Codes, PSC Codes, SAM Expiration Date, SAM Status, Points of Contact, etc.

If you are unable to find it, or if you believe there is an error, please call the Help Desk and speak with a Certified Registration Specialist (CRS) for assistance at (888) 646-9998 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm EST.

A CRS can also provide assistance in acquiring a new or renewing an existing UEI, CAGE Code, or SAM Number.