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GSA Schedule Certification

The General Services Administration (GSA) is the acquisition arm of the federal government. They play the most important role in connecting the private sector with federal agencies to fulfill their product and service needs. Many people refer to what is known as a ‘GSA Schedule’, which is actually shorthand for the Federal Supply Schedules (FSS) and Multiple Award Schedules (MAS). These are larger, consistent, long-term government-wide contracts. These types of GSA Schedules connect government buyers to approved businesses in order to source compliant products and services at fair and reasonable prices. This process streamlines the acquisition process and speeds it administrative duties on both sides.

Many government agencies are only allowed to purchase goods and services through the pre-approved GSA Schedule Contracts, meaning those entities with a GSA Schedule gain exclusive access to a broad range of contract opportunities. Almost all agencies must refer to the GSA Schedule database before awarding contracts or posting contracts up for public bid. It is a good idea to inquire with a professional on whether or not your entity should pursue such avenue for your product or service. Look and see what agencies are making what purchases and from whom.

Benefits of a Small Business GSA Schedule Certification

A GSA Schedule Contract makes it easier for government buyers to quickly complete a purchase. They simply go online and purchase the product/service directly through the GSA Advantage System with just one click. Some other benefits include

  • About 35% of sources sought from GSA Schedules are specifically from small businesses
  • Have a business listing in the federal GSA Advantage system to be searched and found online by government buyers
  • Shows business/industry authority and good standing with federal, state and local buyers
  • Reduces business risk by ensuring all procurements are compliant through the vetting process
  • Gain exclusive access to a broad range of contract opportunities
  • 82% of businesses choose a business with a Federal GSA Schedule versus one without
  • Raises the value of the business by already being certified with a long term contract

GSA Certification Eligibility

GSA Certification approval requires any business that submits an offer meet several different qualifications and guidelines. We have included a short list below of a few mandatory requirements. There may be additional documents and information required depending on the actual schedule you are applying for. The primary requirements for all businesses are:

  • Minimum of 2 years in business
  • Proof of positive cash flow
  • Established business in good standing
  • Not previously been barred or cancelled by GSA

Small Business designation GSA Certification:

  • Less than $1,000,000 in annual revenue
  • Minimum of 2 years in business with same EIN/TIN
  • At least 6 past performance references
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The GSA Certification Process

To access GSA Schedule Contracts, all a business needs to do is to get successfully certified. Organizations will first need to complete a detailed registration and reporting process with the General Services Administration (GSA) branch of the federal government. During this process is where the difference between schedule approvals, delays and denials often comes down to the tiniest of errors and omissions (90% first submission return rate when completed by oneself).

The GSA certification process requires organizations to spend nearly 100 hours completing paperwork, performing research, submitting documentation, writing letters, etc. The entire process can take over a year depending on the applicant’s resources, knowledge and experience level in this area. Once an entity is approved, they are always happy they went through with it.

GSA Schedules can last up to 20 years. The entity must have at least $25,000 in sales in the first 2 years and then $25,000 in sales each period after to maintain your schedule. You will also get a 5 year review to make sure you are aware of any compliance issues that may have occured.

Challenges of GSA Self Certification:

  • Months of Applications – Applying for a GSA Schedule with the federal government is a roughly year long and very in depth process that takes dedicated time, patient communications, and high attention to detail
  • No Room for Errors – Mistakes made during the GSA Certification process can easily cost a business much more lost time and opportunities that should not have been lost
  • Really Want Success? – If your company is serious about being successful in this area, it’s best to spend your time running your business and this is one of those areas that truly needs expert assistance. This may not even be the right move or investment of resources for your company.

Let USBRI Handle Your GSA Schedule Certification

Work with USBRI to simplify the whole GSA Schedule Certification process. We should start off with a short phone conversation to gather some general information as to whether or not this avenue would be a good fit for your product/service or whether another federal vehicle would be a better fit. You may also complete the questionnaire located at the bottom of this page or call our Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm EST).

After speaking with you about what to expect during the certification process, we will then step in and start discovering which GSA Schedules will perform best for your business, to determining your most effective pricing strategies, and crafting your business proposals and negotiation points with the GSA, we’ll be by your side for every part of the certification process to ensure everything goes smoothly and quickly.

Benefits of Partnering with USBRI:

  • Effortless Registration – Faster, easier and more accurate than self submitted applications. You provide your business info, and we’ll take care of the rest.
  • A Team You Can Trust – Our GSA Certification Specialists are a passionate team that specializes in registering qualified businesses to work alongside the federal government. We’ve helped businesses of all kinds and sizes achieve federal and GSA Certification status and are more than happy to walk you through every step of your GSA Certification process to assure your confidence.

If you would like to get started on your GSA Certification, reach out to our Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998 (M-F 9am-5pm EST) or submit the form below to be contacted.

Request More Info

What is the best avenue to sell my products/services to the government?

Answer a few questions about your business and we can provide you with a complimentary Federal Market Assessment to see what agencies are purchasing your goods/services, who the competition is, look at Direct Award Contracts in your industry (below $250K) and provide you a with a basic roadmap of the best avenue and vehicles for your company to focus on to successfully sell goods/services to the government.

After submitting this form, a CRS (Certified Registration Specialist) will reach out within 24 hours for a 15 minute informational conversation where you can ask as many questions as you like. If considering government contracting at all, or have attempted to do so without such guidance or advice; do not skip this important step as it truly makes a difference of knowing where, what and how to focus on what's most important for your success when offering goods/services to the government. This short conversation will speed up your learning curve and set you up and prepare you for success. Utilize credible resources that are available to you.

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