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How to Obtain or Update Unique Entity Identifier for SAM?

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Having to obtain or up-to-date a DUNS Number (Unique Entity Identifier) is the very 1st step in the SAM Registration & Certification process. During the SAM Registration process is when a CAGE Code (Commercial and Government Entity Codes) is assigned to an entity, which remains the same for the life of that entity. ALL Organizations, Businesses and Government Entities MUST have an updated DUNS Number in place at least 48 hours prior to submitting a SAM Registration for approval.

Dun & Bradstreet is an organization that assigns legal entities a nine digit number for business credit monitoring and tracking purposes. In order to submit a new or renewal of a SAM Registration to the DLA (Defense Logistics Agency), the legal entity must have an up-to-date DUNS Number in place. This information must also match exactly what the IRS and Secretary of State has on file for that legal entity as well. There are multiple cross checks to ensure that ALL DATA is up-to-date and matches exactly across all platforms in order for a SAM Registration to be approved. There are some time frames involved, special circumstances and a multitude of other items involved throughout the SAM Registration process.

How Do I Get a DUNS Number?

If a New DUNS Number is needed, you may contact Dun & Bradstreet directly to obtain one. Depending on the circumstances and choices made, it can take up to 30 days to receive a DUNS Number. After you have an up-to-date DUNS Number in place, you may now begin the SAM Registration process itself.

USBRI facilitates this area of the process for organizations when filing for or renewing a SAM Registration & Certification. In most cases we can obtain a New DUNS Number within 24 hours when needed, as well as ensuring the data for an entity is up-to-date with ALL agencies and organizations involved in the Registration and Certification process for fastest approval.

How Do I Update My DUNS Number?

An owner, officer or director of an organization are the only people who may make changes to a DUNS Number. Anyone attempting to submit changes must be in a position to prove their identity based on public records and other information on file. You can call Dun & Bradstreet directly or attempt to make the changes via their online portal.

This is another area of the SAM Registration & Certification process that USBRI facilitates for the client to minimize the burden of time involved on your end. Again, not only must an entity’s information be updated with Dun & Bradstreet; it must also be updated with the IRS, State Agencies, DLA, GSA, DSBS, FEMA and others depending on certain criteria of your organization.