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Do I need a NAICS code for a business?

NAICS Code for Business: Is It Necessary?

The only time you will need a NAICS code will be when registered with SAM. The NAICS code is 6 digit classification number that is used to identify the type of service your business provides. To find a specific NAICS code for your business, follow the steps below;

    • At the top of this page hover over “Tools and Services”
    • Select “NAICS Code Lookup Tool
    • Input any key word, phrase, or NAICS Code
    • Select ” Find NAICS Code”
    • Allow page to generate NAICS codes relating to the keyword you’ve submitted.
  • If you’re having trouble finding a specific NAICS code reach out to the USBRI Help Desk at 1-888-646-9998

Another way to access the tool is by clicking below

Need to Register or Renew?

If you need to register or renew your SAM Registration, you can reach out to the USBRI Help Desk or visit the services page by clicking the button below

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